Shifting sands: what’s really going on in the business energy market

In this podcast, Anna Moss, Tom Goswell and Molly Lloyd explore the business energy market in Great Britain. This is an area of research that we have reported on for over 15 years during this time the sector has experienced significant change. Our experts discuss the key characteristics of the business supply markets and the evolution of supplier competition over time. 

Anna, Molly and Tom introduce the SME and I&C markets as well as the wide range of customers in these sectors and the propositions offered to them. Additionally, they discuss the role of Third-Party Intermediaries (TPIs) in the market and the services they provide to clients.

The development of new technology allows suppliers to help businesses manage their demand. Specifically, this is achieved with larger I&C companies having access to services such as battery storage and demand-side response. Also, as the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) grows closer, energy suppliers and TPIs are offering EVs as a service.

Finally, our experts discuss the increasing focus on regulation in the business energy market. Notably, this works for microbusinesses, with the introduction of Ofgem’s strategic review of the microbusiness market.

Below is a 90-second excerpt from our podcast on the business energy market

Our non-domestic supply market services:

  • Non-domestic supplier insight service.
    • This provides competitor intelligence on all of the business suppliers operating in the market as well as tracking the recent entrants and exits that have taken place
  • SME pricing in the gas & electricity market reports
    • This report is an overview of the prices that are offered by suppliers in the SME market

Our TPI service:

  • Third-party intermediaries in the business supply market report
    • This gives an overview of the TPI market and provides a profile of around 250 TPIs that operate in the sector
  • TPI satisfaction survey
    • The survey records TPI’s opinion’s on products and service levels provided by suppliers

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