Trusted, independent experts


We provide bespoke advisory services on commercial, regulatory and policy issues to companies across the industry, including generation project developers and investors, flexibility providers, energy retailers, network companies, and government departments and other public bodies.

Cornwall Insight have provided us with an impeccable service. From providing specific, scoped support through to providing ad-hoc advice, Cornwall Insight have reliably provided us with their expert knowledge on schedule and on budget time after time. I would strongly recommend Cornwall Insight to anyone.

Commercial, policy and regulatory energy market experts

Our work across retail, networks and generation, enables us to provide in-depth insight across the whole energy chain. Get in touch to talk about your requirements on 01603 604400 or at

Our skills and expertise

We provide a seamless range of advisory, research and bespoke consulting services to support organisations through their business and financial planning, strategy development, investment due diligence, policy design, risk management and regulatory assessments.

Our expertise includes:

  • Buy-side and sell-side investment due diligence on assets and businesses involved in the energy sector
  • Current and possible future market design
  • Generation, retail and network company business models and market entry
  • Trading, hedging and risk management
  • Data analytics, modelling and forecasting
  • GB energy policy and regulatory framework

Our capabilities

  • Australia

    Battery revenue forecasting (BESS modelling)

    Cornwall Insight Australia’s ‘Storage investment model’ (SIM) is designed to inform and assist market participants on storage investments, enabling project optimisation, risk assessment, independent evaluation, and due diligence.

  • Ireland

    Business and home supply/services

    Cornwall Insight has unrivalled insight and experience in the energy supply and services market. We provide actionable advice on the full breadth of the market, including routes to market and propositions, costs to serve, energy services, trading and hedging, and competitor strategies. We have supported numerous suppliers with risk management, enabling them to flourish in a challenging market.

  • Australia

    Commercial due diligence

    Cornwall Insight Australia has extensive experience providing buy and sell-side investment due diligence in renewables, flexible generation assets (VPP, battery storage, etc.), conventional assets, energy services, and retail businesses. We are a trusted partner to some of the industry’s most prolific investors.

  • Ireland

    E-mobility and low carbon transport

    Transport decarbonisation provides numerous material opportunities to a diverse range of market parties across multiple sectors. We provide bespoke support and advisory services at the intersection of the energy and transport markets, ranging from market entry through to commercial modelling, business model analysis and transaction due diligence assessments.

  • Australia

    E-mobility and low carbon transport

    Cornwall Insight Australia’s consultancy team has extensive experience across the e-mobility and low transport sector. We support our customers implement effective business models and maximise revenue in this space. Our team of experts can assist you at whatever stage in the process are in and the service can be uniquely tailored to suit you and your business needs.

  • Ireland

    Energy storage and flexibility

    We are at the forefront of the energy storage and flexibility sector, helping customers successfully deploy battery storage, flexible power generation and demand-side response. In addition, we provide strategy and business case development, revenue forecasting and commercial and regulatory investment due diligence.

  • Australia

    Flexibility, firming, VPP, ancillary services, and other emerging markets

    Cornwall Insight Australia provides modelling and analysis of ancillary services markets, including FCAS and potential investments in flexibility, firming, BPP, ancillary services, and other emerging markets.

  • Ireland

    Heat decarbonisation

    Decarbonisation of heat is one of the major challenges in meeting net zero by 2050. The UK has some of the most inefficient housing stock in Europe, and the heat mix is heavily reliant on natural gas. The sector presents a major opportunity for technology and infrastructure firms, investors, suppliers, and more.

  • Australia

    Hydrogen and LCOH2

    Our consulting services provide modelling and analysis of the green hydrogen production from renewable power plants using electrolysis. Our in-house hydrogen optimisation models also forecast potential revenue from both the energy and ancillary services markets, the Levelised Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH) of the produced hydrogen over the lifetime of the asset and plant operation costs.

  • Ireland

    Hydrogen, CCUS and green gas production

    Cornwall Insight advises customers involved in the emerging hydrogen economy, those seeking to develop power generation with Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) and green gas production.

  • Ireland

    Low carbon generation

    Cornwall Insight’s low carbon generation consultancy services give you the market intelligence you need to anticipate where the market is heading. Our experts have a deep and practical understanding of the complex commercial and regulatory aspects of the sector.

  • Australia

    Marginal Loss Factors (MLF) and Curtailment analysis

    Cornwall Insight Australia helps understand potential changes in Marginal Loss Factors across the NEM. We use proven advanced engineering techniques, and the impact of demand, generation development, and transmission augmentation on individual assets can be estimated.

  • Australia

    Market entry strategy

    Cornwall Insight Australia provides an independent assessment and analysis of market entry strategy, including technology risks and opportunities, project identification, and comprehensive analysis of the potential addressable market and segmentation of customers and industries most likely to be captured.

  • Ireland

    Net zero corporates and ESG

    Cornwall Insight advises business energy consumers both to reduce cost exposure and improve their Environmental Social Governance (ESG). Our consultants work with businesses to help them capture the value from supply agreements based on existing cost structures, corporate Power Purchase Agreements, demand-side response and net zero strategies.

  • Australia

    Policy and market design

    Cornwall Insight Australia is well-placed to assess policy and market design changes, policy positions, including Net Zero targets, and other energy-related schemes and subsidy programs and advise on their potential impacts.

  • Ireland

    Power and gas networks

    Our consultancy team has a detailed understanding of existing power and gas networks and their future direction, ranging from network company business models to generation and demand connection arrangements and corresponding ongoing network charges.

  • Australia

    Power market modelling: ISP, NEM & WEM BPC, NEM & WEM FCAS

    Our Benchmark Power Curve sets itself above other products in the market for its accuracy and independence. Notably, we provide 5-minute price granularity during the first five years of the outlook period and 30-minute price granularity from the sixth year onward.

  • Australia

    Red flag assessment, curtailment projections, network capacity

    Cornwall Insight Australia provides clients with an independent assessment of assets, including identifying potential red flags, assessing MLF and curtailment risk, and the outlook for particular areas of the network in terms of capacity buildout and network capacity.

  • Power and gas networks

    Our consultancy team has a detailed understanding of existing power and gas networks and their future direction, ranging from network company business models to generation and demand connection arrangements and corresponding ongoing network charges.

  • Low carbon generation

    Cornwall Insight’s low carbon generation consultancy services give you the market intelligence you need to anticipate where the market is heading. Our experts have a deep and practical understanding of the complex commercial and regulatory aspects of the sector. From market insights to competitor analysis, our consultants help you understand the low carbon sector so you can make the best possible decisions for your business.

  • E-mobility and low carbon transport

    We provide bespoke support and advisory services at the intersection of the energy and transport markets, ranging from market entry through to commercial modelling, business model analysis and transaction due diligence assessments

  • Heat decarbonisation

    Cornwall Insight has expertise supporting market actors across a range of topics related to the decarbonisation of heat, including district heat networks, electrification of heat and local Combined Heat and Power projects.

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    We are at the forefront of the energy storage and flexibility sector, helping customers successfully deploy battery storage, flexible power generation and demand side response. We provide strategy and business case development, revenue forecasting and commercial and regulatory investment due diligence.

  • Net zero corporates and ESG

    Cornwall Insight advises business energy consumers both on reducing cost exposure and improving their Environmental Social Governance (ESG). Our consultants work with businesses to help them capture the value from supply agreements based on existing cost structures, corporate Power Purchase Agreements, demand-side response and net zero strategies.

  • Hydrogen, CCUS and green gas production

    Cornwall Insight advises customers involved in the emerging hydrogen economy, those seeking to develop power generation with Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) and green gas production. We provide support on strategy, business case development and regulatory analysis.

  • Business and home supply/ services

    Cornwall Insight has unrivalled insight and experience in the GB energy retail market. We provide actionable advice on the full breadth of the market, including routes to market and propositions, costs to serve, energy services, trading and hedging, and competitor strategies.

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