Latest podcasts

  • The early outlook for winter from the ESO

    Joe Camish joins Veronica Truman in our latest podcast. They talk about National Grid ESO’s early outlook for the coming winter season, the assumptions behind the modelling and the steps the ESO are taking to mitigate potential issues to European gas supplies this winter. 

  • Home supply and services

    Impacts of backwardation on the Default Tariff Cap

    Dr Craig Lowrey joins Veronica Truman in our latest podcast. They talk about Ofgem’s decision to proceed with a backwardation allowance window of six months in the wholesale methodology when calculating the Default Tariff Cap.  The timing of the decision is discussed, along with implications for suppliers and consumers. They...

  • Low carbon generation

    Can we fix the energy market this winter to lower prices?

    Robert Buckley and Tom Edwards discuss the interventions in the retail and wholesale markets that might help alleviate some of the concerns around the cost of living crisis and rising wholesale prices this winter. There have been many different theories and policies suggested and Robert and Tom talk about some...

  • Low carbon generation

    The launch of REMA

    REMA promises the biggest changes in the power market for a generation. It includes options for changing the locational stricture, the means of dispatch, and the price setting basis of the wholesale market, and then also considers related changes to existing support schemes, flexibility incentives and operational delivery. The potential...

  • Home supply and services

    Faithless: social tariffs a better option to protect consumers?

    The merits and pitfalls of the current Default Tariff Cap on domestic energy bills have been debated at length. Whether the cap is seen as a blunt tool in need of replacement, or a vital intervention to protect large numbers of energy consumers, it is clear that further support for...

  • Regulation and Policy

    The Energy Security Bill – What you need to know

    Join Veronica Truman, Robert Buckley, and Alex Jephson as they talk through the Queen's Speech which outlined the Energy Security Bill.

  • Low carbon generation

    BEIS pushes ahead with low-carbon hydrogen and CCUS business models

    Join James Shaw and Naomi Potter as talk through the ES perspective, 'BEIS pushes ahead with low-carbon hydrogen and CCUS business models'.

  • Home supply and services

    Ofgem’s new quarterly price cap review with Dr. Craig Lowrey

    The announcement by Ofgem of its minded-to decision in respect of a move from seasonal Default Tariff Cap periods to quarterly caps had been largely anticipated following communication from the regulator in February 2022. However, the move comes as part of a wide-ranging set of potential further changes to the...

  • Business supply and services

    Ofgem’s Microbusiness Review and Business Energy TPIs

    Senior Writer, James Shaw and Lead Research Analyst, Naomi Potter discuss Ofgem’s Microbusiness Review. They look at how it will transform the way TPIs work with business energy suppliers and consumers.

  • Business supply and services

    Rising energy prices: What businesses can do to reduce risk and what’s next in terms of net zero.

    In this podcast, Dr. Craig Lowrey and Anna Moss discuss the challenges for businesses in times of unprecedented energy prices.  They explore questions such as why energy prices are rising so much and what steps businesses taken to reduce their risk? They also discuss what’s next for businesses in prices...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Planning for an unknown future in the energy market

    Veronica Truman Robert Buckley discuss our Energy Perspective from this week. They cover why we decided to cover this topic, what changes are we seeing in the Default Tariff Cap and what is coming up this week.

  • Business supply and services

    The future of energy for smaller businesses

    Cornwall Insight is joined by Fflur Lawton from Smart Energy GB and Dr Jeff Hardy of Imperial College London to discuss the potential opportunities and impacts for smaller businesses and their customers from the uptake of smart meters and smarter and innovative energy business models. The smaller business community plays...

  • Home supply and services

    Cornwall Insight’s reaction to the government’s Energy Bills Rebate and Ofgem’s proposed Default Tariff Cap changes

    Here is Cornwall Insight's quick reaction to the government's Energy Bills Rebate and Ofgem's proposed Default Tariff Cap changes from Veronica Truman and Robert Buckley.

  • Business supply and services

    Difficult choices: Will government help really manage the energy crisis?

    Veronica Truman, Dr Craig Lowrey and Robert Buckley discuss the growing pressure for government intervention to limit the feared 50% rise in the Default Tariff Cap from 1 April. They review the options and the risks of unintended consequences as set out by Gareth Miller in Cornwall Insight’s weekly Energy...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    Electric vehicle charging: unlocking the business models – with Punch Pubs

    This podcast is part of the TLT & Cornwall Insight podcast series. Here we focus on the important topic of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. In this podcast, Lead Research Analyst Emma is joined by report contributors Maria Connolly, Head of Clean Energy & Real Estate at TLT and Stephen Allen,...

  • Low carbon generation

    Unlocking net zero strategies for businesses: An interview with Shoosmiths

    Cornwall Insight and the UK law firm Shoosmiths have published a report on net zero strategies for businesses. With an increasing number of businesses looking to align themselves with the UK government’s net zero by 2050 ambition, companies are looking to reduce their emissions and become sustainable organisations. Pressures from...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    Electric vehicle charging: unlocking the business models – with Paua Tech

    This podcast is part of the TLT & Cornwall Insight podcast series. Here we focus on the important topic of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. In this podcast, Lead Research Analyst Emma is joined by report contributor Niall Riddell, Co-Founder and CEO of public charging specialist, Paua Tech. Niall shares his...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    Electric vehicle charging: unlocking the business models – An interview with Pod Point

    Our latest podcast is part of the TLT & Cornwall Insight podcast series, in which we focus on the important topic of electric vehicle charging infrastructure with Pod Point. Alongside this series, we have prepared a report ‘Electric vehicle charging: unlocking the business models’ based on interviews with leading experts in this...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    Electric vehicle charging: unlocking the business models – with TLT and NatWest

    This podcast is part of the TLT & Cornwall Insight podcast series. Here we focus on the important topic of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. In this podcast, Lead Research Analyst Emma is joined by report contributors Maria Connolly, Head of Clean Energy & Real Estate at TLT and Jacob Lloyd,...

  • Home supply and services

    How green finance can decarbonise our homes and buildings

    Green mortgages have become the poster child of green retail banking products in the UK, but significant barriers remain despite their significant growth in the last 12-18 months. However, various solutions are being designed in the UK and overseas that could shake up the mortgages market and help increase supply...

  • Home supply and services

    Consolidation in the domestic energy market: An interview with Shoosmiths

    Cornwall Insight and the UK law firm Shoosmiths have published a report on consolidation in the domestic energy market. Over the last five years or so, the market has undergone a period of intense competition. Lower barriers to entry saw a rise in licensed competitors, diversifying propositions, service and added...

  • Net zero corporates and ESG

    Is our energy market design fit for net zero?

    In our latest podcast, our Research Partner, Dan Atzori, and our Senior Modeler, Tom Edwards, discuss energy governance challenges and how to overcome them. A number of key stakeholders in the energy transition are raising the issue of whether the governance status quo is adequate for achieving net zero. While...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    Bite size: EVs in the Capacity Market

    In our first CI bite size podcast, our experts take on the topic of EVs in the Capacity Market, asking: what is the Government proposing, and is it a good idea? Oliver is joined by Cornwall Insight consultants, James and Jacob, who tidy the whole thing up in under 10...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Energy policy and regulation – looking back to look forward

    Our Head of Training, Ed Reed and Head of Relationship Development, Robert Buckley, mark 750 Energy Spectrum weekly bulletins with our latest podcast. Our experts discuss policy and regulatory changes that have been covered over 15 years of analysis and commentary from the Cornwall Insight team. From this, they look...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    International Women’s Day 2021: What it means to us as women in the energy industry

    Catherine Edwards, Emma Bill, Naomi Potter, Ruth Young and Vicky Merrison virtually came together to record a special podcast in celebration of International Women’s Day 2021. We openly discuss our experiences as women in energy and the working world, from school and university to progressing in our careers. We talk...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    REC-ing your brain over faster switching?

    In our latest podcast, Associate Director for Training Ed Reed, Analysts Kate Morley and Emma Bill, come together from different locations to discuss Ofgem’s Faster Switching Programme and the underlying Retail Energy Code (REC). With the new faster switching arrangements set to go-live in summer 2022, the trio revisit the...

  • Low carbon generation

    Nodes, flows and zones: transmission network charges for generators

    The upcoming 'Capacity Market' and 'Contracts for Difference auctions' have put transmission network charges back under the spotlight, with generators needing to take a long-term view of 'Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS)' charges their projects will face.  In this podcast, James Brabben and Andrew Enzor discuss the latest developments...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Talking to Ofgem about the Future of System Operation

    In this podcast Tom Corcut, Deputy Director for wholesale markets in Ofgem joins Emma Burns, Senior Consultant Cornwall Insight to discuss the recommendations that Ofgem made in its publication on the future of system operation in January 2021. Tom and Emma talk about Ofgem’s findings and why it has made...

  • Low carbon generation

    O come all ye flexible – the challenges of getting into the Capacity Market

    The festive period is often a time of reflection, and given the recent publication of the Capacity Market prequalification, we thought it was a good chance to look back at what participants have had to go through to get to this point. In our latest podcast, two members of our...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    Decarbonising mobility after COVID-19, in collaboration with TLT LLP.

    In our latest podcast, Cornwall Insight’s Research Partner, Dan Atzori, speaks with Maria Connolly, partner and head of Clean Energy & Real Estate at TLT, about electric vehicles (EVs) and charging infrastructure. The decarbonisation of mobility is now increasingly seen as a priority by policy makers and market players on...

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