O come all ye flexible – the challenges of getting into the Capacity Market

The festive period is often a time of reflection, and given the recent publication of the Capacity Market prequalification, we thought it was a good chance to look back at what participants have had to go through to get to this point.

In our latest podcast, two members of our Consultancy team, James Cunningham and Alex McGregor, reflect on the many (many) requirements that potential participants have had to meet in order to just enter the upcoming auctions. They also discuss how the scheme has changed, for the better and worse, over recent years and suggest some potential ideas for how the scheme could be improved. Finally, they look ahead to the future of the scheme, including how the Capacity Market fits into a net zero world.

If you would like further information on the subjects discussed, or anything else to do with the Capacity Market, get in touch with James or Alex. Cornwall Insight offers a range of services in relation to the Capacity Market in addition to prequalification support, including a forecast of clearing prices for the upcoming auctions. If you’d like any more information about our Capacity Market offerings ahead of the auctions in 2021, please get in touch or check out our website.

Below is a 60-second extract from our full podcast.

To listen to the full podcast, please log in to your account

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