The impact of COVID-19 on financing low-carbon infrastructure

Our latest podcast features Cornwall Insight’s Research Partner, Daniel Atzori, and Key Account Leader, Bertie Bagge. In the podcast, they interview Dan Wells, partner at Foresight, and Gareth Baker, partner at Gowling WLG. The group discuss the likely impact of the COVID-19 crisis on financing low-carbon infrastructure.

Our experts look at whether the economic slowdown will delay projects and government auctions, as well as to higher costs of capital and lower availability of debt. They analyse the nexus between low energy prices and the attractiveness of corporate PPAs. They also discuss the outlook for EV charging infrastructure, hydrogen and carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS). Last but not least, they highlight the centrality of decarbonisation for future economic stimulus packages.

Below is a 90-second extract from our full podcast covering COVID-19 and financing low-carbon infrastructure.

Financing net zero

This podcast is part of our “Financing net zero” initiative, which is aimed at providing the investor community with a space to exchange information and views. This platform promotes intelligent discussions around common issues and concerns affecting energy policy, regulation and financing. Additionally, the independent third-party mediation and contextual analysis provided by Cornwall Insight acts as a sound basis for informed, empirically-based discussions on key issues.

To listen to the full podcast, please log in to your account

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