The top 5 podcasts of 2020

We released 13 podcasts in 2020 covering all aspects of the energy market, from the Capacity Market and Electric Vehicles to Faster Switching and heat networks. Here are our top five podcasts of the year, ranked by the number of people who listened.

5. The Impact of COVID-19 on System Balancing

Senior Modeller, Tom Edwards and Senior Consultant, Emma Burns discussed the impact that changing system conditions are driven by the COVID-19 pandemic has had on how the system is balanced.

They discussed the new tools that National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO) has developed, how the market might respond to these and what this might mean for the future of balancing the system.

4. Crystal Balling – future power prices and the impacts of net zero

Wholesale Manager James Brabben, Modelling Manager Tom Musker and Senior Modeller Tom Edwards came together from different locations to discuss our latest views on long-term power prices.

Bringing out the short-term drivers of COVID-19 and the long-term impacts of net zero, they explored what a typical day in the power market may look like by 2030 and some of the challenges this creates for managing generation, flexibility and power price levels.

3. Virtual Lead Party – Opening up opportunities for flexibility providers to access Balancing Mechanism and Project TERRE

Our experts introduced new arrangements that allow for many more asset owners and operators to provide balancing services to National Grid Electricity System Operator (ESO).

They discussed what a Virtual Lead Party (VLP) is, what this may mean for the market in terms of who may provide VLP services, and the services that can be accessed.

2. The impact of COVID-19 on financing low-carbon infrastructure

Our experts Daniel Atzori and Bertie Bagge, spoke with Dan Wells, partner at Foresight, and Gareth Baker, partner at Gowling WLG, about the likely impact of the COVID-19 crisis on financing low-carbon infrastructure. The experts looked at whether the current economic slowdown will lead to delays to projects and government auctions, as well as to higher costs of capital and lower availability of debt.

1. Capacity Market: guess who’s back, back again!

Despite being recorded and released the previous year, this podcast continues to see regular monthly listens. On 24 October 2019, the Capacity Market was reinstated. Our experts, Emma Burns and Tom Edwards discussed what led to the suspension Capacity Market, the outcome and implications of the suspension, what changes the Government have now committed to and where we go from here.

To keep up-to-date with all of our podcasts follow us on SoundcloudSpotify or Apple Podcasts.

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