The end of the beginning: Domestic market share

With switching rates relatively low (3% for electricity in Q318) and incumbent players still comfortably dominating the markets, you could be forgiven for thinking little is set to change in the Irish domestic supply markets. But we believe a closer look at the regulator’s latest market share figures, with an eye on the wider landscape, suggests a market ripe for new entry and innovation. 

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PSO Levy 2022/23: RESS to the Rescue

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Low carbon generation

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Home supply and services

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E-mobility and low carbon

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Home supply and services

37 suppliers remain in domestic energy market

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Business supply and services

Have we given up on competition in the retail market?

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Regulation and policy

Calm before the storm? 2021 energy supplier compliance developments

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What’s changed? Celebrating 750 issues of Energy spectrum

Today marks 750 editions of Energy Spectrum, our flagship publication which covers news and insight on the energy market. To celebrate, we present six Energy Perspectives from past publications, going as far back as 2005, which we believe still have relevance today.  Issue 4 – ‘Smart metering’ - Energy policy’s missing...