Energy storage and flexibility

As we progress towards net zero targets the flexbility the system requires is changing dramatically, with an increasing need for energy storage and alternative low-carbon flexibility assets to ensure a secure and balanced system is maintained.

These changes mean great opportunities for market players but also added complexity understanding the various flexibility revenue streams, technical requirements, and business models is a major hurdle to development. 

Our experts are at the forefront of flexibility in the sector helping customers understand the sector and successfully deploy flexibility technology. Our suite of services support developers, asset owners and investors in operating across these markets. Our expertise cuts across the challenging aspects of this sector.

How we can help


Cornwall Insight is uniquely placed to advise you on the opportunities and risks that flexibility presents for parties in the energy sector. We work with clients to provide strategic advice on how flexibility and energy storage will impact their business and product offerings.


Our forums allow you and your colleagues to acquire an in-depth and real-time understanding of the commercial landscape impacting the flexibility and energy storage sector. Members of our forums gain access to Cornwall Insight and key external experts to help you develop solutions to suit your business needs.

Insight services

We help clients make sense of the regulatory and market developments in the flexibility and energy storage market. Our products written by our in house experts help you take a snapshot of the market and understand what this means for you and your business.

Learning and development

With our learning and development service, you will learn from the best expert trainers in the industry. They provide a combination of practical and theory-based learning that should help you understand the intricacies of this burgeoning sector.