Business supply and services

The business supply and services market is changing rapidly. We understand that although there are great opportunities in the market, this rapid pace of change creates risk for those involved. Our services help mitigate these risks keeping on top of all the developments to make the best decisions possible.

We have supported many businesses in a similar position to you. We provide in-depth and expert analysis on the full breadth of market issues, including research on competitor strategy, customer and intermediary needs, costs to serve, routes to market and propositions. Our experts can tailor these insights to provide bespoke and unique advice.

Our experts’ analysis provides us with original research on key features of the market to quickly assess what you need to do and why.

How we can help


Cornwall Insight has a deep understanding of all aspects of the business supply and services market. Our consultants use their expertise to support parties through the sector and are the ideal partner to help you understand the impact of market developments.


The forums highlight fundamental market changes that could have a material impact on small and medium suppliers. Our experts guide you through each development. The forum also gives you a space to gauge views and network with leading players in this sector.

Insight services

Our experts provide regular commentary on the business supply and ser. They track the key developments in the market alongside regulatory and policy changes draw out the most important issues that are likely to impact your business.

Learning and development

Getting to grips with the market can be difficult, especially when it is moving rapidly. There is a wealth of information available, and it can be tough to work how it all pieces together. Our experts present engaging courses on various topics, so you have a full overview of the landscape.