Chart of the week | Takes time to make time: When will we have time-of-use tariffs?

Time-of-use (ToU) tariffs could be a key tool in supporting system decarbonisation and ensuring consumers see the benefits of the energy transition. Research for our latest edition of the Connected Homes Insight Service has found suppliers and consumers both taking tentative steps in exploring ToU pricing, with ambitious innovation and uptake held back by slow industry processes and understandable consumer caution. In this week’s ‘Chart of the week, we look at projected uptake of ToU tariffs across the Electricity System Operator’s (ESO) 2020 Future Energy Scenarios (FES), and consider the changes we will need to see in the industry to facilitate a wider shift to time of use pricing.

There are currently eight tariffs on the market with more than one rate throughout the day, not including traditional economy 7 style metering arrangements. 

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