Chart of the week | Nearly 6mn customers switched electricity supplier in 2020

This article was originally published as part of a larger piece in Energy Spectrum, published on 25 January 2021. To find out more about a subscription to Energy Spectrum, contact Nick on

This week’s ‘Chart of the week’ discusses the latest electricity switching figures from Energy UK, published on 21 January, show that 5,953,520 customers switched supplier in 2020.

Switching levels were down 6.5% on 2019, which was a record year for switching (6.4mn customers changing supplier) but were up 1.3% on switching levels in 2018. December 2020 saw a 10.6% fall in switching compared to December 2019. Half a million customers (496,127) customers on average moved to a new supplier every month in 2020.

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