New service shows Electric Vehicles role in net zero

As the ban of petrol and diesel vehicles looks set to be brought forward from 2040, electric vehicles (EVs) are increasingly the focus of the UK’s net zero journey. Last week the Labour party joined calls to bring the sale ban of new internal combustion engine (ICE) and hybrid vehicles forward to 2030, with outcomes from the government consultation on moving the ban expected this autumn.

The ICE ban and other policy changes will be covered in our new monthly report, launching this week. The new service provides a concise summary of EV developments, exploring the changes in a key market segment each month in more depth, across charging infrastructure, vehicle uptake, fleets and energy supplier activity. Our September EV Insight Service focuses on car manufacturers, fleets and vehicle uptake, analysing the latest vehicle registration data from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT). We explore the recent developments from automakers as they increase production to meet demand for electric vehicles, with Hyundai launching its revamped IONIQ brand in August to produce three new EV models over the next four years. Cornwall Insight’s EV insight service is designed for fleet operators, leasing companies, charge point operators, DNOs, energy suppliers and other organisations engaged in the transition to electric vehicles in Great Britain.

Our new service is complimentary to the Electric Vehicle and Charging Infrastructure (EVCI) Forum, keeping you up to date with the latest policy and regulatory developments, plus wider commercial updates. After launching last year, the forum currently has around 30 members attending each month from across the industry. Now being delivered online, it provides attendees with the opportunity to stay informed on opportunities, challenges and issues, connect with other like-minded businesses, and ask questions to our experts and industry guest speakers, as well as government bodies (National Grid, Office for Low Emission Vehicles) and charge point companies. Our 22 October forum will comprise of a panel discussion from a cross-section of the EV industry.

In the last year, we’ve also been helping customers develop bespoke solutions to their challenges in the EV market. Our Consultancy team has provided a wide range of commercial and modelling assistance in the EV space lately, working with a variety of parties including motorway service area owners, technology developers, and utilities. These recent projects have focused on developing detailed site-specific assessments for EV services, from assessing the potential revenues and return on investment from a combined EV and battery storage site, to supporting commercial opportunities for EV charging, solar and storage at commercial fleet and public charging sites.

For a free trial of the EV Insight Service and the EV Forum, please contact Katie Hickford at 

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