TPI satisfaction survey

Our ‘TPI satisfaction survey’ gives you an insight on what third-party intermediaries (TPIs) require and value from business energy and suppliers, helping you understand the sector quickly. Each report is tailored to suit your businesses needs, so you can focus on the impacts that will affect you the most.

Understanding what third-party intermediaries need from business energy suppliers and how this has developed over time can be a challenge. TPIs play an increasingly important role in accessing customers, making relationships with them a vital strategy. That is why our experts survey the TPI market so that you can understand their needs in this rapidly developing market.

To help you drive performance improvements to your business the annual ‘TPI satisfaction survey’ explores:

  • what TPIs are seeking from energy suppliers
  • which energy suppliers are currently meeting these needs
  • TPI perceptions of the quality of supplier offerings
  • how suppliers might improve the services, they offer TPIs

All survey responses are followed up by telephone interviews with participants 

The ‘TPI satisfaction survey’ will provide you with qualitative and quantitative research on both the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) and Industrial and Comercial (I&C) sectors. This will allow you to evaluate your performance and increase your competitiveness.

All survey responses are presented on a bespoke basis in the form of a slide pack which provides performance insights and comparison. Our experts will also present the results of the survey via teleconference or a face-to-face meeting.

Who is it for?

  • non-domestic suppliers
  • TPIs

Key benefits

  • improve relationships with TPIs
  • aid in developing best practice
  • help to understand TPI needs

For more information about the report and other similar products, please get in touch with us.


Telephone: +44 (0)1603 604400


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