Routes to market insight

Our insight on routes to market supports you in understanding the wide range of routes to market for your generation asset, and the key offtakers and suppliers in the space. Routes to market are evolving rapidly, from traditional subsidy-only business models, into merchant assets, behind-the-meter models and corporate power purchase agreements (CPPAs) Our comprehensive service helps you:

  • Understand the typical PPA discounts for different technologies and PPA durations, as well as a view of wholesale price cannibalisation by technology
  • Come to grips with the wide range of offtakers in the market, their specialisms and the changing portfolio of different players
  • Assets developing in the pipeline, which may influence which route to market you opt for

The service includes:

Green Power Forecast

The Green Power Forecast provides a five-years forward view by season for the different value elements of green power, including captured wholesale prices, embedded benefits and support scheme values (including Roc & REGO values). The report details the values achieved through a variety of PPA types for solar, wind and baseload technologies across the Renewables Obligation (RO), Feed in Tariff (FiT) Scheme and Contracts for Difference (CfD) and subsidy-free markets. It also includes a survey of generators, suppliers and offtakers to identify key market trends. With a quarterly assessment of competition and pricing this forecast will help you evaluate project values and PPA offers. The forecast is issued quarterly.

Renewables PPA Market Share forecast

The report is specifically aimed at offtakers and suppliers in the renewables PPA market. It provides a breakdown by capacity market share for each offtaker in the renewables market (RO and FiT projects) and details the trends and competitive strategies influencing PPA capacity changes. The report uses industry data which is then verified by offtakers in the market to provide a detailed view. Cornwall Insight then supplements the industry data with research on competition in the PPA market. Each offtaker signed up to the report also provides data and this data sharing is mandatory for report subscription.

Renewables Pipeline Tracker

Cornwall Insight has devised this service to help support developers, generators, investors, suppliers and advisors better understand the pipeline for new build and repowering renewables generation assets. This is especially true in light of the challenges presented by Net Zero legislation and the acceleration of new build renewables generation required to meet its binding targets. The service is therefore designed to provide detailed information on future renewables generation assets and provide transparency to the market. Key coverage includes:

  • Development stage of projects by technology type
  • Locational views on development by region and DNO
  • Ownership structures and market share of developers
  • Financing structures and PPA/route to market decisions (where known).

Please contact us to find out more