Route to market service

Cornwall Insight’s ‘Route to market service’ provides an in-depth analysis of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) market for the growing range of asset types in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The service is aimed at asset developers, owners, operators, optimisers, investors and third-party advisors.

Issued annually, the ‘Route to market service’ provides a benchmark industry view to assist market players in understanding and navigating an often opaque area.

Key components

Market expertise

Our experts look at key developments including policy, regulatory and market changes that impact on route to market options across the variety of asset classes.

In-house research and analysis

Shine a light on the most fundamental commercial aspects of the opaque and bilateral PPA market, tracking changes in the PPA market due to developments in the underlying market conditions.

Market-wide survey

One to one interviews with key stakeholders in the market including advisors, project developers, traders, generators, originators and electricity supply companies

Activity it supportsBenefitsWho uses it
Route to market decisionsOverview of the different revenue streams and market activities provided by offftakers.
Provide generators with a valuable source of information to assist their knowledge of offtakers in the market.
Understand developments in, and the value of, key revenue streams sought by different asset classes in PPAs.
Enable risk and revenue modelling by benchmarking expected revenues against the market for risk, revenue and investment strategies.
Asset owners and developers
Third-party advisors
Updates on relevant regulatory and policy developments Providing a view of current and future generation capacity by asset class and subsidy.
Assess key market developments that may impact upon generator’s needs.
Asset owners
Third-party advisors
Competitor analysisOverview of the competitive landscape, including views on market share and share capabilities, allowing participants to evaluate their standing in the market.
A view of the prop proportion of the market that requires PPAs, i.e. the contestable market.
A benchmark for offtakers to validate their understanding of market developments.
Market Research of the Irish and Northern Irish PPA marketsStay informed of key changes with a comprehensive compilation of market intelligence from active participants in the PPA market, including price and discount ranges, trends and timelines.Asset owners and developers
Third-party advisors

For more information about the service and other similar products, please get in touch with the report author below.

Ruth Young

Ruth looks after the ‘Route to market service’

Telephone: +353 (0) 1 657 3420


Please contact us to find out more