Industry meeting reports (electricity or gas)

Our ‘Industry meeting reports’ for both electricity and gas separately provide you with an overview of the main themes, topics and decisions arising from key meetings within the industry. You can subscribe to either gas, electricity or both ‘Industry meeting reports’. By utilising these reports, you can stay ahead and anticipate any future changes in your sector.

Attending industry meetings allows you to be ahead on where the industry is going. This enables you to actively plan for the future, making informed decisions before any changes are made. However, attendance at these meetings requires significant time, resource and commitment from your organisation. So, our experts who write the ‘Industry meeting reports’ attend the sessions, so you don’t have to.

Some of the industry meetings we attend are:

  • UNC Transmission Workgroup
  • UNC Distribution Workgroup
  • Transmission Charging Methodologies Forum
  • BSC Panel
  • Imbalance Settlement Group
  • Grid Code Panel
  • UNC Panel
  • Transmission Operational Forum
  • Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC) Panel
  • Distribution Charging Methodologies Development Group (DCMDG)
  • Supplier Volume Allocation Group

Each update provides you with a detailed and concise breakdown of the meeting discussion points. Our experts provide analysis of the key developments, so you are able to quickly assess the critical issues that may affect your business.

Key benefits

  • focus on what is key to your business
  • our expertise on the likely impact from these meetings
  • reassurance that nothing is being missed
  • save time and resources
  • anticipate and plan for potential future challenges
  • understand the direction of travel based on discussions and opinions
  • inform your strategic and operational decisions

Who is it for?

  • suppliers
  • generators
  • flexibility providers
  • investors in the energy sector

For more information about the report and other similar services, please get in touch with the author below.


Phone: +44 (0)1603 604400


Please contact us to find out more