EV insight service

Our service provides a concise and comprehensive weekly summary of the key developments and policy changes across charging infrastructure, vehicle uptake and fleets, and energy supplier activity. The most impactful developments are explored in detail through alerts and in-depth reports, and subscribers can discuss arising issues and hear from guest presenters and panels at our bi-monthly forums. The service is complemented by a database of key market metrics, tracked in one easy to access place.

Through weekly newsletters, in-depth reporting and alerts, and a bi-monthly user forum, our service provides insight across key commercial, policy and regulatory developments in the EV market, looking across the value chain from EV uptake to infrastructure, supplier activity and fleet services.

Key benefits

  • Understand the key opportunities and challenges to overcome when transitioning to EVs, and underpinning services.
  • Stay ahead of the curve with foresight on market changes and track the challenges and successes, whether you are an existing participant or considering entering the market.
  • Monitor regulatory developments and market entry
  • Keep on top of constant change in the industry’s policy and regulatory landscape developments.
  • Understand the key issues from the outset.
  • Identify risks and impacts ahead of time via informed commentary.

Who is it for?

  • Charge point operators
  • Service providers
  • DNOs
  • Fleet operators
  • Leasing companies
  • Energy suppliers

Electric vehicles and charging infrastructure forum

The forum provides a concise and comprehensive summary of the key developments and policy changes across charging infrastructure, vehicle uptake and fleets, and energy supplier activity.

Ben Reade

Ben looks after the EV insight service

Phone: + 44 (0)7866 607963

Email: b.reade@cornwall-insight.com

Please contact us to find out more