Domestic supplier insight service

The ‘Domestic supplier insight service’ helps monitor established competitors and new market entrants, providing you with ready-made briefings to help inform your business strategy.

Over 31 energy suppliers have ceased trading since 2021 and all suppliers have had to adapt. The current conditions within the energy market have forced out those with unsustainable business models and those that remain have defined their resilience. Those suppliers’ strategic approaches have allowed them to navigate the market and overcome an extremely volatile market.

Suppliers now have varying strategic interests and their propositions have evolved significantly. This vast difference in the market can make it difficult to know where to position propositions, but this report will give you the insight needed to accelerate your growth and focus on key market strategies.

This service provides you with an in-depth analysis of supplier activity, routes to market and propositions which will help you monitor your competitors. Interest from new market entrants has begun to rise and our report will highlight if strategies are succeeding as well as how the more established suppliers are evolving and reacting to a changing marketplace.

Each quarterly report shows a profile of suppliers and includes key strategies and recent strategic developments, reported customer numbers, activity in other markets, a summary of current marketing and branding activity, the outline of price position, customer service reporting and financial performance.

The report tracks updates including consumer switching, customer satisfaction metrics, data on complaints and complaint resolution and any changes in reported figures across renewable obligation compliance and ECO installations. All information is sent to you in an Excel format to manipulate the data to suit your needs.

This service also includes historical data which allows you to identify changing trends across the various metrics, giving you a sense of the ‘typical’ performance of a supplier or supplier group.

Alongside this, you will also receive a monthly update of the latest supplier news so you can rest assured that you will not miss any market activity. It outlines important trends over the month, reports key activity undertaken by suppliers and new entrants to the market, so you are kept up to date on all the supplier activity and emerging trends.

Key benefits

  • detailed competitor insight
  • coverage of wider market themes and trends
  • concise updates on key developments
  • keep up to date with key metrics in the domestic supply sector
  • assess historical data to identify changing trends

Who is it for?

  • suppliers
  • government department
  • partner providers in energy supply
  • prospective new entrants
  • investors

For more information about the report and other similar products, please, get in touch with the report author below.


Phone: +44 (0)1603 604400


Please contact us to find out more