Code modifications registers (electricity or gas)

The ‘Code modifications registers’ provides you with a comprehensive update of the most critical issues affecting both the electricity or gas market. These are two separate reports and you can subscribe to either gas, electricity or both. Through the registers, we track all the latest codes, including those from BSC, CUSC, DUCSA MRA, Grid Code, SQSS and Distribution Code, so you do not have to.

Keeping up with regular code modifications can be time-consuming, yet missing something could cause significant challenges for your organisation. Our ‘Code modifications registers’ will help you tackle this task by providing you with all the essential information each week, ensuring you do not miss a single update.

Each code modification update is summarised and written in plain English for everyone in your company to understand. Our experts will include an impact rating, so you are able to assess the critical issues that affect your business quickly. Our ‘Code modifications registers’ separate out the modifications which are awaiting a decision from Ofgem, making it easier to navigate.

As well as this, we also provide a running commentary on any further developments on the codes from previous issues. To keep you up to date on the progress of the codes that may impact you the most.

Key benefits

  • focus on what is key to your business
  • reassurance that nothing is being missed
  • save time and resources
  • inform your strategic and operational decisions

Who is it for?

  • suppliers
  • generators
  • flexibility providers
  • investors in the energy sector

For more information about the registers and other similar services, please get in touch with the author below.

Robert Buckley

Robert takes care of our ‘Code modifications registers’.

Phone: +44 (0) 1603 542133


Please contact us to find out more