Alerts services (electricity or gas)

The ‘Alerts services’ for both the electricity and gas markets provide you with an overview of industry developments that you and your business should be aware of. You can subscribe to either gas, electricity or both ‘Alert services’. Each alert provides you with a timely update of any changes to regulation, policy, consultations or proposals.

The policy and regulation landscape is constantly evolving. This can make it a challenge to identify all the changes of importance to your business as well as understand their potential impacts. Our ‘Alert services’ will reassure you that any changes will not be missed and that you have the information needed to inform your wider team.

Each alert is easy to understand and provides you with background on the issue, details on the proposals presented and likely next steps. Our experts provide a detailed analysis of the developments, so you can assess the critical issues that affect your business quickly.

With the ability to see all the changes over time, you will be able to understand where the regulation and policy landscape is heading. This will allow you to make informed future strategic and operational decisions.

As well as condensing all the information in one place the service provides you with any further information links you might need, making this the perfect reference tool to be fully briefed on any changes.

Key benefits

  • focus on what is key to your business
  • our expertise on likely impact
  • reassurance that nothing is being missed
  • save time and resource
  • anticipate and plan for potential future challenges
  • understand the direction of travel based on discussions and opinions
  • inform your strategic and operational decisions

Who is it for?

  • suppliers
  • generators
  • flexibility providers
  • investors in the energy sector

For more information about the report and other similar services, please get in touch with Robert below.

Robert Buckley

Robert takes care of our ‘Alerts Services’.

Phone: +44 (0) 1603 542133


Please contact us to find out more