Power and gas networks

As the GB power and gas networks change to incorporate the rapid build-out of low-carbon technologies, understanding network charging is becoming critical to assessing business cases for new and existing assets and consumer costs, especially in determining locational decisions and impacts.

Cornwall Insight’s ‘Power and gas networks services’ are designed to help you navigate this complex and ever-changing sector. With a suite of services answering the key questions of how network charges impact my revenues and costs, how might these change in the future and what this means for my specific portfolio or project.

Our experts are independent and trusted across the sector, with significant experience working across network operators, asset owners, investors, and advisory businesses. Our team also has a depth of technical knowledge through sitting as experts on panels and modification groups across the electricity and gas markets.

Our expertise helps us provide key services across:

  • Long-term modelling and forecasting: including generator TNUoS forecasts, location-specific GDUoS forecasts, embedded benefit forecasts and bespoke behind the meter forecasts.
  • Regulatory change analysis: including Alerts, forums and reporting services to track modification changes as well as bespoke assessments to quantify impacts of regulatory change.

Bespoke and site-specific assessments: including site-specific analysis on forecasts.

  • Third party charges forecast

    Our 'Third party charges forecast' provides a five-year forecast of non-commodity charges. The report is a one-stop solution for all non-commodity cost forecasts with a transparent and robust methodology. The service is updated on a quarterly basis and uses an annual baseline set in February to which all subsequent updates...