Low carbon generation

Widespread investment in, and deployment of, low carbon generation assets is required to support the UK in delivering its net zero targets and interim carbon budgets. The routes to market and revenue composition of these assets is in frequent flux, with the commencement and cessation of various subsidy support mechanisms, changing policy, rules and regulations, and significant volatility in wholesale markets. Net Zero and the Energy Security Strategy represent a significant opportunity for investors and developers of low carbon generation assets, but there also exists burdensome complexity in a wide range of regulatory and commercial risks faced by developers, operators and investors.

The challenge

The electricity system needs to completely decarbonise by 2035, signalling massive investment in zero carbon sources of generation in the next decade. Developers and investors need to understand the relative opportunities available in subsidy mechanisms and the viability of alternative routes to market such as merchant assets or Corporate PPAs (CPPAs), as well as the policy and regulatory risks in development.

Our expertise

Cornwall Insight’s experts track the latest developments in low carbon generation revenues, routes to market, and regulatory and policy opportunities and risks. Our service supports developers, asset owners and investors in operating across these markets.

Our experts will add to the insight of your team, enabling you to make better decisions faster. We understand that organisations, teams and people are busy in the rapidly evolving market of today, and our data and insights enable you to act faster and sharper, improving your company’s financial and operational outcomes. Our team are always on hand to answer any questions you may have and offer independent, trusted advice. By using us, you can be assured of the latest insights and updates on the market

Decisions made with better information lead to better returns. Our low carbon generation advice includes support on:

  • The latest forecasts of generator revenues
  • Intelligence on the main movers and shakers in the market
  • How regulation and policy changes may affect returns and opportunities

Our service provides you with high quality, actionable insights on which to base your business decisions. You can enjoy the advantages of speed and quality of information and confidence in decision making engendered by our specialists being across the market, as well as saving on the direct costs of meeting these essentials needs.

  • All-Island forward curve

    Cornwall Insight’s ‘All-Island forward curve’ is a comprehensive market and asset-level power price modelling service that delivers long-term price forecasts, informed by industry-leading regulatory, market and policy expertise, and supplemented with direct access to trusted practitioners. The service is designed for banks and debt providers, equity investor, developers, financial advisors,...

  • Financing net zero

    The ‘Financing net zero forum’ highlights the latest developments on funding decarbonisation and other energy-related projects. Our experts will take you through the very latest regulatory, policy, market and industry news. They will cover the key opportunities and challenges, allowing you to discuss the latest issues that may affect you....

  • Flexibility markets service

    Our experts are at the forefront of the flexibility market to help you understand the sector and successfully deploy flexibility technology. Our service supports developers, asset owners and investors in operating across these markets. Our experts will add to the insight of and be an extension of your team, enabling...

  • Policy and regulations service

    Cornwall Insight’s ‘Policy and regulations service’ is designed to help your business keep track of all open consultations and understand the relevance; enabling you to navigate, understand and form a fitting response to help bring about any policy and regulatory change. The service has been designed to help your business...

  • Policy, regulation and market updates

    Cornwall Insight’s policy and regulatory expertise has been labelled unparalleled by some of its customers. This service helps you sift through the wide range of changes occurring in the energy market to identify the key developments that impact you. It provides timely commentary and advice on material changes in key...

  • Power revenue forecasting

    Cornwall Insight’s power revenue forecasting service offers complete coverage and insight across all revenue streams available for a low carbon generation asset. Our comprehensive service offers customers regular price and value monitoring of key revenue streams. This service will help you: Maximise your commercial positionUnderstand the changing charging regimes and...

  • Route to market service

    Cornwall Insight’s ‘Route to market service’ provides an in-depth analysis of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) market for the growing range of asset types in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The service is aimed at asset developers, owners, operators, optimisers, investors and third-party advisors. Issued annually, the ‘Route to market service’...

  • Route to RESS

    Our 'Route to RESS' service deploys insight to help you navigate through the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS) auction process. The service consists of a set of tools to assist the market entry and auction process including, analysis of competitor landscape, intelligence around bid pricing, forward power curves and bespoke advisory...

  • Routes to market insight

    Our insight on routes to market supports you in understanding the wide range of routes to market for your generation asset, and the key offtakers and suppliers in the space. Routes to market are evolving rapidly, from traditional subsidy-only business models, into merchant assets, behind-the-meter models and corporate power purchase...

  • SEM and commodity pricing report

    The 'SEM commodity and pricing report' is a weekly publication that has been designed to allow subscribers to make sense of a complex dynamic market. It focuses upon the fundamental drivers in the market, enabling customers to form a consolidated view and identify potential opportunities, risks or strategies. The wholesale...