Editor’s Pick Ireland | Do all roads lead to hydrogen?

On 3 October, Hydrogen Mobility Ireland published its report: A Hydrogen Roadmap for Irish Transport, 2020-2030, which outlines how government and policymakers can facilitate the uptake of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles.

Hydrogen is viewed as the cleanest fuel used to store and produce energy on demand, dependent on how green the process used to form it (electrolysis vs methane reforming). The report, compiled by Element Energy, aims to give a clear vision of what hydrogen mobility can achieve over the next 10 years and establish hydrogen as a key part of Ireland’s transition to a low carbon economy.

The report focuses on three objectives:

  • Develop a strategy to introduce hydrogen vehicles and related infrastructure into Ireland between 2019 and 2030;
  • Set out the business case for industry actors to invest in a profitable hydrogen mobility market in Ireland, and,
  • Understand the policies required for the hydrogen mobility market to scale.

This article was originally published on 12 November 2019 in Energy Spectrum Ireland. 

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