Power market modelling: ISP, NEM & WEM BPC, NEM & WEM FCAS

Our Benchmark Power Curve sets itself above other products in the market for its accuracy and independence. Notably, we provide 5-minute price granularity during the first five years of the outlook period and 30-minute price granularity from the sixth year onward.

Implemented in PLEXOS (the industry-preferred tool), both the five and 30-minute results are provided to our customers; we do not believe in the black box approach other providers take.

Our customers can access the raw 30-minute and 5-minute price forecasts and our quarterly reports containing in-depth data analytics, market insights, and intelligence. We believe this level of transparency is integral for industry investors to undertake internal due diligence for projects.

Cornwall Insight Australia also has significant experience modelling ancillary service markets. We currently provide a quarterly Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) price forecast over a 20-year outlook on a 30-minute dispatch basis across all eight FCAS markets. The service includes reports and data that are similar to the BPC. The FCAS and BPC wholesale price forecasts are co-optimised, accurately representing AEMO’s market dispatch modelling environment.

The storage investment model (SIM) performs a battery optimisation exercise, where it completes revenue optimisation of the eight FCAS markets for the life of the project.

We support with the following:

  • 20-year energy price forecasting across all NEM and WEM regions
  • FCAS price forecasting that is co-optimised with the electricity market
  • Potential bespoke market modelling
  • Storage investment model (SIM)