
  • Water

    Pixie Chart of the week | Opinions differ on water sector innovation

    Industry magazine Water & Wastewater Treatment published the results of an innovation survey on 25 November. Senior executives and managers of water companies were surveyed in partnership with innovation trade body UK Water Industry Research, examining attitudes towards ongoing and future innovation efforts at GB water & sewerage companies (WaSCs)...

  • Water

    Pixie Chart of the week | …nor any drop to drink

    The Consumer Council for Water (CCWater), the customer watchdog for the water sector in England and Wales, issued its state of the market update on 13 September. CCWater’s annual Water Water Everywhere? the report looks at water companies’ performance in 2018-19 and includes some key statistics on customer satisfaction and the...

  • Water

    Pixie Chart of the week | Jaws of inconvenience

    This week's Pixie Chart of the week is a collaboration with our parent company, Cornwall Insight. In a speech to the Waterwise Conference on 19 March, the Environment Agency’s (EA’s) Chief Executive Sir James Bevan introduced the concept of the “jaws of death” – a combination of rising population and decreasing rainfall,...

  • Water

    Chart of the week | HHI-meopathy: Water market increasingly concentrated

    Since the business water market opened to full retail competition on 1 April 2017, one key trend has been growing concentration through mergers and acquisitions. Now that Business Stream has bought up the customers of Yorkshire Water Business, over 80% of all supply point identifiers (SPIDs) in the market are...

  • Water

    Chart of the week | Spot the difference: Water market share one year on

    The business water retail market was revolutionised on 1 April last year, when it opened to greatly expanded competition. After a rocky start for some retailers, it has begun to function reasonably well, delivering some of the promised benefits. But what has happened to the market share in the water...

  • Water

    Chart of the week | Volumetric data shows truth of water switching

    Cornwall Insight has closely followed the water switching activity that has unfolded in the new water retail market. Until recently, the only data from market operator MOSL had been on the number of supply points switched. This limited the visibility of the value of customers. This has recently changed when...