Regulation and policy

  • Business supply and services

    2021 top energy insights

    View our 2021 top insights; the top podcast, insight paper, 'Chart of the week' and blog. Click the boxes below to read the full articles. You may need to log in or create a free Cornwall Insight to continue reading. Download

  • Commercial and market outlook

    2021’s most exciting ‘Charts of the week’

    Some of our team have looked back throughout 2021 and picked their most exciting 'Chart of the week'. Read about their choices and click through to read the full 'Chart of the week'. To do so, you need a free Cornwall Insight account which is easy to create here. Green...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Price cap set for 46% rise for Summer 2022, Winter 2022-23 cap may exceed £2,000

    Due to market volatility, world events and Ofgem's new methodology, our price cap prediction has changed. Please see the latest predictions via our blogs page here Updated price cap figures here Following further highs in wholesale prices and the costs associated with the raft of supplier failures seen in the...

  • Heat networks

    Heat network approaches being developed by devolved administrations and UK government

    A number of further consultations on the policy approaches for heat networks have been issued in recent weeks:  The Scottish government published its draft Heat Networks Delivery Plan on 15 November, outlining how it will quintuple heat demand provided from heat networks in Scotland by 2030; and The UK government issued...

  • Power and gas networks

    New Fault Ride Through compliance arrangements introduced for transmission-connected generators

    Ofgem approved Workgroup Alternative Grid Code Modification 1 (WAGCM1) of GC0151 Grid Code Compliance with Fault Ride Through (FRT) Requirements on 5 November. In short, this decision introduces a new, legal process, into the Grid Code – the legal text that governs those connecting to the electricity transmission system -...

  • Regulation and policy

    Just the bill please – who picks up the costs of market exits?

    This article is an extract from our Energy Spectrum Nutwood. find out more about a subscription to Energy Spectrum here. Between 9 August 2021 and 19 November 2021, 22 energy suppliers exited the market impacting more than 2mn mainly domestic customers. Supplier exits result in a number of costs being...

  • Regulation and policy

    Keeping an eye on compliance

    In response to the rising wholesale energy prices, Ofgem published a letter on 29 October setting out the steps that it is taking to protect the short- and long-term interests of consumers. In addition to its intention to consult this month on the current price cap methodology, Ofgem set out...

  • Regulation and policy

    Net Zero Strategy and Budget reaction with Craig Lowrey

    Yesterday, at our 'Net zero business forum', senior consultant Craig Lowrey gave his reaction to energy aspects of the UK budget and the flurry of policy announcements that preceded it. Our 'Net zero business forum' Our online bi-monthly 'Net zero business forum' offers members the opportunity to benefit from...

  • Net zero corporates and ESG

    The stakes are higher than they seem: the current energy challenge and net zero

    It has been an incredibly challenging week in the UK energy sector, and attention has rightly focussed on consumer protection, and indirectly on the state of the energy supply markets. However, it would be a mistake to believe that the ramifications of supplier failure will be limited only to this...

  • Announcement

    ESB and Cornwall Insight Australia provide final advice to energy ministers

    Last week, the Energy Security Board (ESB) released its recommendations for the redesign of the National Electricity Market (NEM). Cornwall Insight Australia (CIA) was engaged by the ESB to assess the potential benefit of the proposed essential system service reform package for system strength provision. The report detailed that these...

  • Home supply and services

    “Green” tariffs in the spotlight as BEIS commences review

    With the announcement on 16 August of a call for evidence on Designing a Framework for Transparency of Carbon Content in Energy Products, consultant Josephine Lord looks at the issues being considered and what the future may hold for so-called “green” tariffs. The call for evidence is the first step...

  • Regulation and policy

    How will consumers take to Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement?

    Ofgem published its decision to implement the move to Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) on 20 April. This confirms plans to move to new settlement arrangements over a four and a half year time period, with the Elexon-led Design Working Group’s Target Operating Model to be used as the blueprint. Meters...

  • Regulation and policy

    Ofgem raises modifications ahead of RCC and new switching arrangements

    The latest edition of our Faster Switching Service Report due to be issued this week includes the latest developments in Ofgem’s Switching Programme and the associated Retail Energy Code (REC). Launched in November 2019, the Retail Code Consolidation (RCC) Significant Code Review (SCR) set out Ofgem’s intention to amalgamate the...

  • Regulation and policy

    Calm before the storm? 2021 energy supplier compliance developments

    The latest update to our Energy Supplier Compliance Portal went live on 4 May and includes changes to the compliance landscape during February to April 2021. While the previous quarter’s update reflected new principles resulting from Ofgem’s Supplier Licensing Review (SLR) and protections for prepayment meter customers facing self-disconnection, Q121...

  • Regulation and policy

    Electricity transmission charging reform – overtaken by changing priorities?

    Charging for the transmission network is never out of the development process for long. From major reviews, such as that initiated under Project Transmit in 2010, to significant reforms such as removing the triad benefit from distributed generation in 2018, and a host of smaller developments, change seems the only...

  • Low carbon generation

    Why energy system governance is not fit for purpose

    In my recent blog, the Emperor’s new clothes I referenced a poll of our Financing Net Zero (FNZ) membership which revealed 75% support for an energy systems architect to ensure we manage the net zero transition. In the spirit of independent thinking that Cornwall Insight is known for, I respectfully disagreed and...

  • Announcement

    What’s changed? Celebrating 750 issues of Energy spectrum

    Today marks 750 editions of Energy Spectrum, our flagship publication which covers news and insight on the energy market. To celebrate, we present six Energy Perspectives from past publications, going as far back as 2005, which we believe still have relevance today.  Issue 4 – ‘Smart metering’ - Energy policy’s missing...

  • Regulation and policy

    Answers to some FAQs about Brexit

    Following the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020 and the signing of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, aspects of the relationship between UK and the EU in respect of the arrangements for energy trading and cooperation have changed. We set out answers to some Frequently Asked Questions...

  • Business supply and services

    Energy suppliers must be ready to demonstrate compliance with new principles

    From 22 January, energy suppliers were required to follow new principles resulting from Ofgem’s Supplier Licensing Review (SLR), which initially kicked off nearly three years ago. Such was the breadth of the SLR, changes were introduced in two rounds, with the first round of changes bringing the introduction of tougher...

  • Regulation and policy

    Ofgem “hands-on” in RIIO-2 as net zero route unfolds

    During the next round of the RIIO price controls, Ofgem can be expected to take a more hands-on approach to outputs the networks are required to provide and the allowed revenues they can charge their users or consumers. This will have impacts for network development including the enabling of electric...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    A look back at 2020 part 4

    As we take our first steps into 2021, we take our final look back at the biggest developments in the UK energy markets in 2020, setting us up for the significant year ahead. Ofgem issued its decarbonisation Action Plan on 3 February as Jonathan Brearley became Ofgem CEO, setting out...

  • Business supply and services

    A look back at 2020 part 3

    As we take our first steps into 2021, we continue to look back at the biggest developments in the UK energy markets in 2020, setting us up for the significant year ahead. The mergers and exits from the supply market that were seen in 2019 continued into 2020 and led...

  • Regulation and policy

    New gas transmission charging requires early charge changes

    New gas transmission charging arrangements were implemented in October 2020 under UNC678A Amendments to Gas Charging Regime (Postage Stamp) in order to achieve alignment with the EU Tariffs Code (TAR). The change introduced a framework around capacity charges to cover transmission revenues with a methodology to calculate reserve prices based...

  • Regulation and policy

    Ofgem’s Network Access and Forward Looking Charges review – should I be interested

    Spoiler – if you are a distribution connected generator, yes, In a big way Ofgem is currently progressing one of its biggest overhauls of network charging; with the Targeted Charging Review having only recently concluded that is quite a statement. We have already seen the value to distribution connected generators...

  • Regulation and policy

    What will the introduction of the Retail Energy Code mean for metering companies?

    Ofgem has proposed that certain metering companies will need to become full parties to the new dual fuel Retail Energy Code (REC). What will this mean in practice? Metering Equipment Managers (MEMs) is a term introduced for the REC, encompassing electricity Meter Operator Agents (commonly termed MOPs) and gas Meter...

  • Regulation and policy

    Targeted Charging Review residual network charges – some remainders

    While Ofgem has ruled on the arrangements that will apply to distribution use of system (DUoS) charges from 1 April 2022 following the regulator’s Targeted Charging Review (TCR) Significant Code Review (SCR) decision last November, it has still to determine a series of CUSC modifications that aim to put in...

  • Regulation and policy

    Finding best practice in Ofgem’s compliance engagement outcomes

    The past few months have involved a shake-up of the status quo for all of us, with the ramifications of COVID-19 having a disproportionate impact across society. Being an essential service, energy has been at the forefront of policy-makers minds as suppliers have sought to ensure that those most severely...

  • Regulation and policy

    Ofgem faces RIIO-2 balancing act for net zero

    The regulator recently issued the draft determinations for the RIIO-2 price control for the transmission and gas distribution networks and the electricity system operator (ESO). These price controls will run for five years from April 2021. Shortly after, it also set out the next stage of detail – the “sector...

  • Regulation and policy

    Faster Switching Programme gears up for re-commencing

    Due to be issued this week, the sixth edition of our Faster Switching Service Report details the Switching Programme’s re-planning exercise as well as industry participants’ progress on data cleansing. The Switching Programme is facilitating the industry’s move towards new arrangements from March 2022, which should see domestic customers able...

  • Regulation and policy

    New horizons: DCC plans to expand remit over next 5 years

    The government awarded the Data Communications Company (DCC) licence to Capita subsidiary Smart DCC Ltd in 2013. As an Ofgem-regulated monopoly, the DCC’s remit was to set up the smart metering communications infrastructure, linking up 53mn electricity and gas meters with the systems of energy suppliers, network companies and third...