Power and gas networks

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    National Grid ESO’s ‘early view’ winter report 2022/23

    We have published an alert on National Grid Electricity System Operator's Winter 2022/23 early view report.  The ESO considers that it is important for industry to be provided with a rough understanding of the situation to come, through the early view report. It is operating under the assumption that the peak...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Dialing up the unknowns on network charging

    In a world of open governance code modifications, change is a constant. You only have to look at the number of code modifications ongoing at any one time – National Grid lists 36 modifications in development relating to transmission network charging alone – for evidence of that. But in recent...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Capacity, reform, and unlawful strategies: 5 things that happened yesterday

    Capacity, reform, and unlawful strategies: yesterday was a busy day for energy geekery. The developments encapsulate the shorter and longer term challenges and uncertainties present in the energy market presently: Read the full article here

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Reaction to BEIS consultation on the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements

    Confirming the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) opens the prospect of a complete overhaul of the electricity market in Great Britain for the first time in over 20 years. The scope is very wide and the perceived need for reform clear from BEIS in the consultation document, with much...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Five key trends from the flexible asset PPA market

    On 20 May, we published our sixth edition of our Flexible Asset PPA Market report. This is our biannual survey and analysis of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) market for flexible assets in GB, seeking to understand the market size, active offtakers and optimisers in the space, latest market trends,...

  • Announcement

    2021/22 Australian energy insights report

    Analytics on key current developments in the Australian energy industry are available Cornwall Insight Australia has released a compilation of Australian energy insights, charts, and analyses. The report includes the topics of energy storage and flexibility, generation (all technologies), power prices, low carbon generation, FCAS, policy and regulation, and transmission...

  • Announcement

    The Energy Security Bill explained – from the Queen’s Speech

    On Wednesday 11 May, the Queen's Speech was delivered which announced that an Energy Security Bill will be introduced at some point over the next parliamentary session. What is the Energy Security Bill and what does the Government state the benefits will be? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLfmkM0mAqc What are the main elements of...

  • Power and gas networks

    ESB Networks consults on its Stakeholder Engagement Report 2021

    ESB Networks published a consultation on its Stakeholder Engagement Report 2021 on Thursday 10 March. The report states that ESB Networks delivered against all eight of its identified engagement focus areas reported in its Stakeholder Engagement Plan 2021 and sets out some examples of engagement undertaken in 2021. This included...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    All-Island Power Market Outlook to 2030

    This report provides an annual overview of trends for the All-Island Power Market out to 2030 using outputs from Cornwall Insight’s latest forward curve for the All-Island (AI) Single Electricity Market (SEM) covering Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This publication is based on comprehensive market and asset-level power...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Russian gas dependency and impacts on net zero

    Tensions along the Russia-Ukraine border have been escalating since November last year when satellite imagery showed a fresh build-up of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border. Fast forward to the 24 February 2022, Ukraine and Russia are now at war following a Russian invasion. In response to these actions from...

  • Business supply and services

    2021 top energy insights

    View our 2021 top insights; the top podcast, insight paper, 'Chart of the week' and blog. Click the boxes below to read the full articles. You may need to log in or create a free Cornwall Insight to continue reading. Download

  • Business supply and services

    Wholesale energy prices see new record highs as 2021 comes to a close

    In what continues to be a particularly tumultuous period for the wholesale energy market in the lead up to Christmas, prices have continued their crusade of setting record highs in a final send-off to 2021. On Wednesday 22 December, day-ahead gas prices reached a new all-time record high (on our...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    2021’s most exciting ‘Charts of the week’

    Some of our team have looked back throughout 2021 and picked their most exciting 'Chart of the week'. Read about their choices and click through to read the full 'Chart of the week'. To do so, you need a free Cornwall Insight account which is easy to create here. Green...

  • Power and gas networks

    New Fault Ride Through compliance arrangements introduced for transmission-connected generators

    Ofgem approved Workgroup Alternative Grid Code Modification 1 (WAGCM1) of GC0151 Grid Code Compliance with Fault Ride Through (FRT) Requirements on 5 November. In short, this decision introduces a new, legal process, into the Grid Code – the legal text that governs those connecting to the electricity transmission system -...

  • Power and gas networks

    Location, location: The increasing complexity of embedded benefits

    There is growing recognition of the need to reform our current network arrangements to support a more dynamic and flexible electricity system as we undergo the transition to net zero. Among the network elements currently going through a period of review are Distribution Use of System (DUoS) charges, which recover...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    Net Zero Strategy: key points

    Yesterday, the government announced its long-awaited Net Zero Strategy, a 368-page document that provides a route the nation will take to a net zero economy. The strategy outlines how spending will be prioritised for power, fuel supply and hydrogen, industry, heat and buildings, transport, natural resources, and greenhouse gas removals....

  • Home supply and services

    Why gas shippers are important


  • Power and gas networks

    Electricity and gas tariffs on the rise in Ireland

    The majority of energy suppliers in the Republic of Ireland have enacted several price rises in one or both electricity and gas tariffs. Figures collated by Eurostat show in the latter half of 2020, Ireland already ranked fourth highest for electricity prices in the EU and seventh highest for gas...

  • Power and gas networks

    Green hydrogen is “essential” for the UK to achieve net zero

    Today, we released the latest copy of our Energy net zero. The publication takes an in-depth look at the UK's transition to a low carbon economy. The below article analyses the UK landscape for hydrogen and how it is "essential" to achieve its climate goals. The article was originally published in the...

  • Power and gas networks

    Understanding the backdrop of the UK hydrogen economy

    We are delighted to publish our research note on the hydrogen sector: 'Understanding the backdrop of the UK hydrogen economy'. Serving as a primer for our upcoming series of hydrogen insight papers, we chart the UK’s progress in developing a hydrogen industry. In our paper, we cover essential developments in...

  • Power and gas networks

    Wholesale energy prices fell to record lows in April

    This week we look back at wholesale power price developments throughout April, a month which saw notable bearish price movements. The most prominent of these were the movements in the day-ahead power price. Across April the price averaged €28.0/MWh, the lowest monthly average since the commencement of project I-SEM back...

  • Power and gas networks

    Saudi oil attacks raise prospect of higher energy bills

    Confirmation from the Saudi Arabian energy minister that drone strikes had reduced the country’s oil output by around half is set to resonate across the energy markets, given that the country is responsible for around 10% of the world’s oil production. Early trading on Monday has seen the price of...

  • Power and gas networks

    Rock the boat: Exploring the commercial merits of Shannon LNG

    Back in April, we delved into Ireland’s growing import dependency amid a backdrop of record gas imports into the SEM. Four months on and the trend has persisted, with figures out to the end of July showing imports at a two year high, 29% higher than last year at 2.6bcm....

  • Power and gas networks

    Help! – Ireland’s gas import dependency

    Imports have been intensified recently by falling NBP gas prices and an oversupplied UK gas system aided by strong liquefied natural gas (LNG) deliveries, a trend which has continued since winter. The high imports of January 2019 were driven by below-average temperatures, rising power demand and periods of low wind...

  • Power and gas networks

    Parachute: gas proxy and SEM forward markets

    The ability for market participants to hedge their power price exposure remains limited in the SEM, with a lack of forward products available for trading. This means that market participants are often left fully exposed to the spot market – meaning power contracts for almost immediate delivery – but the...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Local hero: constraints and security of supply

    Security of supply is back on the agenda. Last week saw the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) publish its Electricity Security of Supply Report 2018. Replicating the analysis from the long-awaited All-Island Generation Capacity Statement 2018-2027 (GCS), it showed Ireland facing potential deficits within the next 6-9 years. The very same...

  • Power and gas networks

    LNG: A Trade Wars story

    With the rhetoric on both sides of the Pacific regarding a potential US-China trade war continuing to mount, energy is not exempt from the list of US goods that the authorities in Beijing are targeting with tariffs. In this article we look at what this could mean for US gas...

  • Power and gas networks

    Sunblock: Solar & Irish connection policy

    The forthcoming decision of the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) on stage 1 of its Enduring Connection Policy (ECP-1) will shape the future Irish generation portfolio. The draft ECP-1 document, published in November 2017, sets out how the CRU proposes to allocate electricity connections following Gate 3 – an...

  • Power and gas networks

    With or without you – the Ireland and GB gas systems

    On 1 March 2018 National Grid issued a Gas Deficit Warning (GDW) for the GB market due to the predicted supply and demand imbalance. Ireland can hardly be a passive observer when it comes to the GB gas market given the interconnection and market flows. The Island of Ireland and...

  • Power and gas networks

    Empty spaces: is there a case for new gas storage?

    Overview of this week's Energy Spectrum publication In this week’s Energy Perspective, we explore the implications of recent gas supply incidents and ask the question – do we need more gas storage? Historically, the GB market has lacked the gas storage capacity of its European counterparts. This was brought into sharp...