Low carbon generation

  • Low carbon generation

    Week-on-week day-ahead power price losses in the SEM

    The first reported week of February 2022 recorded week-on-week day-ahead power price losses in the SEM. Source: SEMO/Cornwall Insight Ireland Despite recent week-on-week price losses, day-ahead power prices remain significantly higher than the prices observed in the opening week of February last year, currently out turning 171.0% higher. Day-ahead power...

  • Low carbon generation

    Surprising decision by the Secretary of State for BEIS regarding the Capacity Market auction

    An interesting and surprising decision by the Secretary of State for BEIS regarding the Capacity Market auction parameters for the upcoming T-1 auction being held on 15 February. The procurement target has been lifted from 4.5GW (as set in the draft parameters in July 21) to 5.361GW. This is notably...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Emerging utility business models

    This article is from our latest Energy Spectrum and the January 2022 issue of EEnergy Informer, a newsletter edited by Fereidoon Sioshansi of Menlo Energy Economics and editor of Variable Generation, Flexible Demand. As numerous prior articles have pointed out, the traditional utility business model seems to be on its...

  • Low carbon generation

    CfD Allocation Round 4 – let the competition begin

    2022 is set to hold what could be the largest Contracts for Difference (CfD) auction to date, Allocation Round (AR) 4, with government aiming to secure around 12GW of new renewables through the scheme. It will see the re-introduction of Pot 1 technologies (“established” technologies such as onshore wind and...

  • Business supply and services

    Wake-up call: Cost pressure in the GB energy market

    This Energy Perspective was published in Issue 791 of Energy Spectrum on 10 January 2022.  The current crises afflicting the energy supply sector, driven by rising energy input costs, are of economy-wide concern. The price of energy has always been an issue of significance for national economic competitiveness, inflation, monetary...

  • Low carbon generation

    Here we go again: Capacity Market auctions, what can we expect?

    After recently issuing our latest Capacity Market Forecast, we wanted to highlight some of the key trends to look out for regarding the upcoming Capacity Market (CM) auctions being held in February 2022. This round of CM auctions begins with the T-1 for Delivery Year 2022-23 on 15 February followed...

  • Business supply and services

    2021 top energy insights

    View our 2021 top insights; the top podcast, insight paper, 'Chart of the week' and blog. Click the boxes below to read the full articles. You may need to log in or create a free Cornwall Insight to continue reading. Download

  • Business supply and services

    Wholesale energy prices see new record highs as 2021 comes to a close

    In what continues to be a particularly tumultuous period for the wholesale energy market in the lead up to Christmas, prices have continued their crusade of setting record highs in a final send-off to 2021. On Wednesday 22 December, day-ahead gas prices reached a new all-time record high (on our...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    2021’s most exciting ‘Charts of the week’

    Some of our team have looked back throughout 2021 and picked their most exciting 'Chart of the week'. Read about their choices and click through to read the full 'Chart of the week'. To do so, you need a free Cornwall Insight account which is easy to create here. Green...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Five highlights from our latest PPA market research

    Recently, as part of both our Renewable PPA Market Share and Green Power Forecast reports, we have undertaken research into the renewables PPA market, hearing views from generators, offtakers and other renewables PPA market participants. Our recent Chart of the Week detailed the latest research from our Renewable PPA Market...

  • Heat networks

    Heat and buildings strategy: Key points

    On 19 October, the government released the Heat and Buildings strategy outlining how the government will tackle the decarbonisation of the built environment to help meet the UK net zero ambition. Our experts have taken a quick look at the strategy and highlighted the key points. Heating The strategy makes...

  • E-mobility and low carbon

    Net Zero Strategy: key points

    Yesterday, the government announced its long-awaited Net Zero Strategy, a 368-page document that provides a route the nation will take to a net zero economy. The strategy outlines how spending will be prioritised for power, fuel supply and hydrogen, industry, heat and buildings, transport, natural resources, and greenhouse gas removals....

  • Home supply and services

    Introducing the Green Gas Levy

    In Autumn 2021 the Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS) will be launched, supporting decarbonisation of the gas grid as the UK aims to reach net zero emissions by 2050. The GGSS will predominately focus on providing financial incentives for biomethane (green gas) injection in the grid and, in order to...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    How can research help: what is the gap in understanding that should be addressed most urgently?

    In the last two decades, the debate around addressing climate change has rightly focused on identifying – and supporting – the most suitable technologies to decarbonise our economies. Consequently, significant progress has been achieved in the decarbonisation of the power sector. However, as the priority is now to decarbonise hard-to-abate...

  • Home supply and services

    “Green” tariffs in the spotlight as BEIS commences review

    With the announcement on 16 August of a call for evidence on Designing a Framework for Transparency of Carbon Content in Energy Products, consultant Josephine Lord looks at the issues being considered and what the future may hold for so-called “green” tariffs. The call for evidence is the first step...

  • Low carbon generation

    BEIS Hydrogen Strategy

    The flagship Hydrogen Strategy paper was unveiled by BEIS on 18 August and confirmed that hydrogen will form a crucial part of the UK’s net zero economy. Perhaps disappointingly, the paper only reaffirms the 5GW of production capacity by 2030 commitment as set out in the Ten Point Plan with...

  • Low carbon generation

    CfD pathway becomes clearer for generators

    With the announcement last week of the key dates for CfD Allocation Round 4 (AR4), our head of Assets and Infrastructure James Brabben looks at what lies ahead for prospective bidders. So, we have the dates for AR4…nearly! Whilst most of the key dates have been provided, there is still the...

  • Low carbon generation

    Our Renewables Pipeline Tracker: In with the new – scoping projects and progression through planning stages

    Our latest Renewables Pipeline Tracker was published on 11 June, and this blog provides a summary of some of the recent developments in our coverage of the pipeline for new build and repowering renewables assets in GB. What’s new? Seabed leasing rounds, scoping projects and CfD announcements Since our previous...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Data centres predicted to become prosumers of electricity

    In combination with Cornwall Insight and Bit Power, Host in Ireland published its Biannual report of Ireland’s Data Hosting Industry. The report highlights the importance of sustainability in Ireland’s digital transformation. The report confirmed the number of operational data centres in Ireland increased by 25 per cent over the past...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    Investor optimism sparks PPA competition

    In recent months, Cornwall Insight has issued several of our regular subscription reports from our PPA Insights Service covering both renewable and flexibility Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) markets, namely the Green Power Forecast, Renewable PPA Market Share and Flexible PPA Market reports. As part of these reports, we conduct surveys...

  • Announcement

    Your invite to our wholesale Summer Outlook 2021 webinar

    We are delighted to invite you to our wholesale Summer Outlook webinar. On 12 May, Cornwall Insight will be hosting an open webinar covering our independent views, analysis and outlook of the upcoming summer 2021 period. As part of this session, we will explore a range of both historic and...

  • Low carbon generation

    Why energy system governance is not fit for purpose

    In my recent blog, the Emperor’s new clothes I referenced a poll of our Financing Net Zero (FNZ) membership which revealed 75% support for an energy systems architect to ensure we manage the net zero transition. In the spirit of independent thinking that Cornwall Insight is known for, I respectfully disagreed and...

  • Energy storage and flexibility

    How nuclear energy can help the UK reach its net zero goals

    This article was originally written in Energy Spectrum on 21 March 2021. To find out more about a subscription to Energy Spectrum, please contact Nick on n.palmer@cornwall-insight.com. There are several challenges to reaching net zero, where its proponents believe nuclear could add value. Some of tomorrow’s main issues concern: How to provide low...

  • Low carbon generation

    Nuclear energy and its potential importance for net zero

    This article was originally written as a longer piece in Energy Spectrum on 21 March 2021. To find out more about a subscription to Energy Spectrum, please contact Nick on n.palmer@cornwall-insight.com. Nuclear energy has been an integral part of the UK’s electricity system for many decades. Currently, nuclear provides around...

  • Low carbon generation

    Up north and down south – trends for generator TNUoS charging

    The topic of generator Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) is becoming a subject of increasing interest for stakeholders as regulation, policy, and the generation mix create potential volatility for future charging trends. The significant costs posed through TNUoS are an important consideration for generators, with high variability between regions...

  • Low carbon generation

    New transmission charge forecast will help generators managing cost uncertainty and volatility

    Transmission network use of system (TNUoS) charges represent a significant proportion of operating costs for many renewables generators, often exceeding 50% of annual running costs. For some, as recently highlighted by SSE in a recent report and to Members of the Scottish Parliament, they could present a barrier to investment in generation...

  • Low carbon generation

    Let markets run or regulate to accelerate: a false choice or key net zero decision?

    Earlier this week Cornwall Insight convened a group of industry leaders from across the energy and investment space to discuss business preparedness for net zero, and what more can be done to unlock capital to make net zero a reality. The session, hosted by our non-executive chairman Volker Beckers, is...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    A look back at 2020 part 4

    As we take our first steps into 2021, we take our final look back at the biggest developments in the UK energy markets in 2020, setting us up for the significant year ahead. Ofgem issued its decarbonisation Action Plan on 3 February as Jonathan Brearley became Ofgem CEO, setting out...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Divergent electricity prices in the wake of Brexit

    On 1 January 2021, the UK left the European Union (EU) and as such is no longer part of the Internal Energy Market (IEM). While the UK and the EU agreed a post-Brexit Free Trade Agreement (FTA) on 24 December, outlining how energy markets, interconnectors and regulation will be affected,...

  • Low carbon generation

    Renewables Pipeline Tracker: Higher, faster, stronger – the changing nature of offshore wind

    Having released our October 2020 Renewables Pipeline Tracker report, which covers the latest developments for pipeline renewables sites across GB, this blog explores our recent findings on the pipeline and in particular offshore wind. The Renewables Pipeline Tracker is updated quarterly and includes information across over 1,000 prospective renewables sites...