Energy Market Design

  • Energy Market Design

    Short-term energy market interventions

    There is considerable concern about the availability and price of energy for this winter and those that follow.  Cornwall Insight has been contributing to the policy discourse through our widely-referenced domestic Default Tariff Cap analysis.  As prices continue to rise above what were considered unbelievable levels until recently, the signal from the market could not...

  • Energy Market Design

    REMA: electricity market design choices

    Electricity markets will serve as the foundation for the future GB energy system.  This article examines some of the market design decisions that will be considered by the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA). Market design goals At its most simple, a well-functioning market will attract enough potential “buyers” and...

  • Energy Market Design

    Can we fix the wholesale energy market this winter to lower prices and should we want to? 

    The Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) is intended to discuss and decide on appropriate market arrangements for 2035 in a Net Zero, low marginal cost, renewables-dominated market. It is unlikely it has the scope or capability to intervene in the market arrangements ahead of this winter. Therefore, some new interventions...