Commercial and market outlook

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Energy Market Alerts provide latest updates in a complex market

    Cornwall Insight Australia summarises all the essential facts in our Energy Market Alerts, designed to keep you up to date with all the latest developments in the market. The energy market is changing so fast that our Alerts will ensure you have the facts to hand when you need them....

  • Commercial and market outlook

    An overview of the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) consultation

    Following the commitment set out in its Energy Security Strategy, the government has published a consultation on the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA). This aims to ensure that the electricity market design is fit for the purpose of maintaining energy security and affordability for consumers as the electricity sector...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Capacity, reform, and unlawful strategies: 5 things that happened yesterday

    Capacity, reform, and unlawful strategies: yesterday was a busy day for energy geekery. The developments encapsulate the shorter and longer term challenges and uncertainties present in the energy market presently: Read the full article here

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Two thirds of energy industry professionals think the market needs to be drastically reformed

    A survey conducted of over one hundred leading energy market professionals from across the investment and advisory community, by Cornwall Insight, from the attendees of its Financing Net Zero forum, has shown nearly two thirds (63%) of people working in the energy industry1 believe the UK market needs to be...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Reaction to BEIS consultation on the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements

    Confirming the Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) opens the prospect of a complete overhaul of the electricity market in Great Britain for the first time in over 20 years. The scope is very wide and the perceived need for reform clear from BEIS in the consultation document, with much...

  • Announcement

    2021/22 Australian energy insights report

    Analytics on key current developments in the Australian energy industry are available Cornwall Insight Australia has released a compilation of Australian energy insights, charts, and analyses. The report includes the topics of energy storage and flexibility, generation (all technologies), power prices, low carbon generation, FCAS, policy and regulation, and transmission...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    ACER publishes Final Assessment of EU Electricity Market Design

    Following the publication of its Preliminary Assessment in November 2021, on 29 April the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) published its Final Assessment of the EU Wholesale Electricity Market Design. The report provides an in-depth analysis of energy prices and drivers, current wholesale electricity market design,...

  • Announcement

    The Energy Security Bill explained – from the Queen’s Speech

    On Wednesday 11 May, the Queen's Speech was delivered which announced that an Energy Security Bill will be introduced at some point over the next parliamentary session. What is the Energy Security Bill and what does the Government state the benefits will be? What are the main elements of...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Cornwall Insight responds to the announcement of an Energy Bill in the Queen’s Speech

    The Queen’s Speech this week included a much-anticipated announcement that an Energy Bill will be introduced at some point over the next parliamentary session. The Bill is a logical conclusion of policy development in the period since the net zero commitment was made in the summer of 2019. It accommodates...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Ofgem outlines thinking on protecting credit balances and RO payments

    This article is an extract from our Energy Spectrum publication issued on Monday 25 April. If you are interested in receiving critical policy, regulatory, market and transactional developments across the energy sector, and would like a free full sample of Energy Spectrum, please request a copy here. You only need...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Cornwall Insight responds to the publication of the energy strategy  

    The Energy Security Strategy is a very political document that raises as many questions as it answers. There are clear favourites and as much can be read in to what is in the Strategy as what is not. 15 months on from the Powering Our Net Zero Future White Paper,...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Perspective | Is the design of the electricity market costing consumers money?

    This article is from our Energy Spectrum publication which was published on 4 March 2022. It has become increasingly clear the existing market design is unfit for either a future net zero world or a period of fossil fuel price crisis, but what market design might be best for our...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Pragmatism, partnership, and people

    In this piece, we take stock on where we now stand after a tumultuous period for the energy markets since Autumn 2021. But beginning, we want to give voice to the sadness our team feels at the terrible human impact arising out the conflict in Ukraine. This clearly is of...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Russian gas dependency and impacts on net zero

    Tensions along the Russia-Ukraine border have been escalating since November last year when satellite imagery showed a fresh build-up of Russian troops on the Ukrainian border. Fast forward to the 24 February 2022, Ukraine and Russia are now at war following a Russian invasion. In response to these actions from...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    EU Commission publishes climate change mitigation taxonomy

    An excerpt from our European Weekly Bulletin, part of our Energy Spectrum Europe package. On Wednesday 2 February, the EU Commission presented its Taxonomy Complementary Climate Delegated Act on climate change mitigation and adaptation covering certain gas and nuclear activities. The commission states that it aims to prevent greenwashing and...

  • Business supply and services

    2021 top energy insights

    View our 2021 top insights; the top podcast, insight paper, 'Chart of the week' and blog. Click the boxes below to read the full articles. You may need to log in or create a free Cornwall Insight to continue reading. Download

  • Commercial and market outlook

    2021’s most exciting ‘Charts of the week’

    Some of our team have looked back throughout 2021 and picked their most exciting 'Chart of the week'. Read about their choices and click through to read the full 'Chart of the week'. To do so, you need a free Cornwall Insight account which is easy to create here. Green...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Price cap set for 46% rise for Summer 2022, Winter 2022-23 cap may exceed £2,000

    Due to market volatility, world events and Ofgem's new methodology, our price cap prediction has changed. Please see the latest predictions via our blogs page here Updated price cap figures here Following further highs in wholesale prices and the costs associated with the raft of supplier failures seen in the...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Cliff-hanger: supplier new entry in volatile markets

    The extraordinary developments that have occurred in the energy sector in recent months have led to a tumultuous time for all participants. We have taken a look back through our archives to where we highlighted our concerns a number of years ago that this outcome was, unfortunately, a real possibility. This...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    COP26 what has happened so far

    If you have missed any of COP26, we have summarised some of the latest news so far. Stay up to date with the latest updates across the energy sector with our Daily Bulletin. In addition, next week’s Energy Spectrum will feature full analysis and commentary on the COP26 announcements. To...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    What’s happened at COP26 so far

    We’ve summarised the latest news so far from COP26. The latest updates can be found in our Daily Bulletin, and our insight and commentary in our weekly Energy Spectrum. Find out more here PM addresses World Leaders at COP26 Summit Opening Ceremony The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, spoke at the...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    As the dark nights draw in and temperatures drop, it is not the time to take the foot off the pedal: fundamental change is needed to steer out of the energy crisis

    This article was originally written as a Nutwood in Energy Spectrum. Find out more about Energy Spectrum and request a free trial here. Author: Sharon Darcy Sharon Darcy, Director of Sustainability First, raises six questions that need to be addressed if we are going to get the fundamental change needed...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Be the change you want to see – my takeaway from this year’s BIEE conference

    On 13 September, I spoke at the British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE) Energy for a net zero society conference. The conference considered the legacy of the Covid pandemic and how the means of recovery will influence the pace and direction of the net zero transition. The timing of the...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    How can research help: what is the gap in understanding that should be addressed most urgently?

    In the last two decades, the debate around addressing climate change has rightly focused on identifying – and supporting – the most suitable technologies to decarbonise our economies. Consequently, significant progress has been achieved in the decarbonisation of the power sector. However, as the priority is now to decarbonise hard-to-abate...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    The digital transition and its lessons for the energy sector

    Digitalisation of data is happening across all sectors globally. It has become pivotal to developing, modernising and transforming sectors from banking to healthcare. With COP26 on the horizon, a net zero target by 2050 enshrined in UK law and the sixth carbon budget aiming to reduce emissions by 78% by...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Evaluating the benefits of local coordination mechanisms in power supply

    In March, Cornwall Insight launched its new Energy Spectrum Europe publication in collaboration with the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI). Below is an extract of our Energy Perspective article from our latest issue, written by Konstantin Gruber and Nils Namockel from EWI. Local forms of coordination are...

  • Announcement

    Women in the energy sector: Enabling progress at Cornwall Insight

    Today, the campaigning group POWERful Women* (PfW) will launch its 2021 statistics on gender diversity at the top of the UK energy sector (register here).  Like many of you, I will watch with interest to see how the picture has evolved: last year it reported 13% of executive board directors in...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Data centres predicted to become prosumers of electricity

    In combination with Cornwall Insight and Bit Power, Host in Ireland published its Biannual report of Ireland’s Data Hosting Industry. The report highlights the importance of sustainability in Ireland’s digital transformation. The report confirmed the number of operational data centres in Ireland increased by 25 per cent over the past...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    Heat pumps and peak power demand in North-West Europe in 2030

    In March Cornwall Insight launched its new Energy Spectrum Europe publication in collaboration with the Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI). Below is an extract of our Energy Perspective article from our latest issue, written by Nils Namockel from EWI.  Heat pumps powered by green electricity...

  • Commercial and market outlook

    April Fools’ Day 2021: In today’s other energy developments

    Our energy April Fools' day headlines... Netflix’s The Regulator set to return with Ofwat crossover Fans of Netflix’s Ofgem-set smash hit The Regulator will be thrilled to learn that season two starts filming today (Thursday 1 April). Although secrecy is as high as ever on set, producers have confirmed that...