
  • Announcement

    2021/22 Australian energy insights report

    Analytics on key current developments in the Australian energy industry are available Cornwall Insight Australia has released a compilation of Australian energy insights, charts, and analyses. The report includes the topics of energy storage and flexibility, generation (all technologies), power prices, low carbon generation, FCAS, policy and regulation, and transmission...

  • Announcement

    The Energy Security Bill explained – from the Queen’s Speech

    On Wednesday 11 May, the Queen's Speech was delivered which announced that an Energy Security Bill will be introduced at some point over the next parliamentary session. What is the Energy Security Bill and what does the Government state the benefits will be? What are the main elements of...

  • Announcement

    Our GB 2021 Consultancy highlights

    We are independent advisors operating across the energy value chain. Our team of passionate energy experts has supported over 120 customers in 2021. This includes generators, developers, investors, network companies and public bodies.Here is a small selection of our work in 2021: Cornwall Insight’s consultancy team provides high-quality insight across...

  • Announcement

    Cornwall Insight wins Employer of the Year and Business of the Year at the 2021 Norfolk Business Awards

    Last night businesses from across Norfolk gathered together to hear the 2021 Norfolk Business Awards winners. Cornwall Insight was proud to be nominated for two categories, Employer of the Year and SME of the Year. Our team waited anxiously on the night to hear the results, and we are delighted...

  • Announcement

    It’s time to choose the Australian Chart of the week of the year!

    Each week, the Cornwall Insight Australia team of experts provide complimentary insight on the Australian energy sector through our 'Chart of the week' publication. Four Chart of the week finalists have been selected and we need your help to vote for the Australian Chart of the year winner. By voting...

  • Announcement

    FCAS price curves extended to meeting increasing battery asset technical life

    Research from Cornwall Insight Australia shows that the pipeline of proposed storage projects is growing substantially to over 26GW of announced projects in the market and that the expected technical lifetime of those assets is increasing. As a result, Cornwall Insight Australia has announced an increase in its Frequency Control...

  • Announcement

    Cornwall Insight Australia’s Alba Ruiz Leon features in KPMG 30 Voices on 2030

    Alba Ruiz Leon, Managing Director of Cornwall Insight Australia, an award-winning international firm delivering comprehensive insight that enables businesses, markets, and policymakers to succeed in the net zero transition, features in KPMG’s 30 Voices on 2030 – The Future of Energy report. Cornwall Insight is a pre-eminent provider of energy...

  • Announcement

    Record high energy prices causing concern

    Each week this summer, Sam Peek and colleagues in Cornwall Insight’s Assets and Infrastructure team have tracked the seemingly inexorable rise of wholesale price in the Energy Market Bulletin. The latest issue covers the all-time high spot power and gas prices with day-ahead prices up 10-fold (ten as they write...

  • Announcement

    ESB and Cornwall Insight Australia provide final advice to energy ministers

    Last week, the Energy Security Board (ESB) released its recommendations for the redesign of the National Electricity Market (NEM). Cornwall Insight Australia (CIA) was engaged by the ESB to assess the potential benefit of the proposed essential system service reform package for system strength provision. The report detailed that these...

  • Announcement

    Daily Bulletin, I love you 4,000

    We have just passed a notable landmark with our 4,000th issue of the Daily Bulletin being published today. Things started with the first Daily Bulletin on 13 September 2005 – the main news on that day was E.ON UK applying for planning to build a CCGT at Drakelow. It never progressed beyond planning, but the second story, negative reaction to tariff...

  • Announcement

    Energy market and net zero transition learning and development: Role-relevant career development training

    We’re well over halfway through the calendar year and are now beginning to see more of the government’s thinking and policy-shaping around what needs to change to meet the 2050 net zero target. For example, the flurry of documents issued towards the end of 2020, including the Energy White Paper...

  • Announcement

    Women in the energy sector: Enabling progress at Cornwall Insight

    Today, the campaigning group POWERful Women* (PfW) will launch its 2021 statistics on gender diversity at the top of the UK energy sector (register here).  Like many of you, I will watch with interest to see how the picture has evolved: last year it reported 13% of executive board directors in...

  • Announcement

    Your invite to our wholesale Summer Outlook 2021 webinar

    We are delighted to invite you to our wholesale Summer Outlook webinar. On 12 May, Cornwall Insight will be hosting an open webinar covering our independent views, analysis and outlook of the upcoming summer 2021 period. As part of this session, we will explore a range of both historic and...

  • Announcement

    Cornwall Insight supporting families through Leeway

    In April 2020, the Cornwall Insight team voted for our new charity of the year. We chose ‘Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Services, a charity local to our head office in Norwich. In summary, Leeway has the following: A domestic abuse helpline for free, confidential and non-judgmental adviceOne-to-one support and...

  • Announcement

    Alert: Budget 2021

    Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivered his Budget on 3 March, a year on from the start of the COVID-19 crisis and his second in the job. Headline announcements included, among others, a sovereign green bond, the UK Infrastructure Bank, a freeze in Carbon Price Support and £20mn for floating offshore wind....

  • Announcement

    Introducing Energy Spectrum Europe

    Cornwall Insight is pleased to announce the launch of Energy Spectrum Europe. This new addition to the Energy Spectrum stable will provide the authoritative, independent insight and analysis of energy markets for which its peers covering Great Britain, Ireland and Australia are rightly renowned. Every month Energy Spectrum Europe will...

  • Announcement

    What’s changed? Celebrating 750 issues of Energy spectrum

    Today marks 750 editions of Energy Spectrum, our flagship publication which covers news and insight on the energy market. To celebrate, we present six Energy Perspectives from past publications, going as far back as 2005, which we believe still have relevance today.  Issue 4 – ‘Smart metering’ - Energy policy’s missing...

  • Announcement

    GB consultancy: Our 2020 highlights

    We are independent commercial advisors to over 300 energy companies from generators, project developers, energy suppliers, network companies, investors, government departments and professional firms. Our team has over 40 years of energy market experience and works across the whole energy chain. Here is a small selection of our work in...

  • Announcement

    Cornwall Insight tops Financial Times’s management consultancy rankings for the third year

    We are delighted to announce that we have won a bronze award in the Financial Times UK’s Leading Management Consultants for the Energy, Utilities and Environment sector for the third year running. The accolade was based on research by Statista, who conducted two separate surveys, a peer-review and feedback from...

  • Announcement

    BBC interview | Robert Buckley discusses Ofgem’s price cap

    Due to market volatility, world events and Ofgem's new methodology, our price cap prediction has changed. Please see the latest predictions via our blogs page here Updated price cap figures here Robert Buckley spoke to Felicity Hannah on BBC Five Live’s Wake up to Money programme ahead of Ofgem’s announcement...

  • Announcement

    Energy Market Learning and Development: Role-relevant career development training

    In these challenging times it is as important as ever that we continue to provide market-leading insight on commercial, regulatory and policy developments to our customers. Our learning and development service, a key pillar of how we distill market complexity, opportunities, and challenges for our customers, has continued to evolve...

  • Announcement

    Cornwall Insight strengthens its Board

    Cornwall Insight, an award-winning international firm delivering comprehensive Insight that enables businesses, markets, and policymakers to succeed in the net zero transition, has further strengthened its Group Board. The company has appointed two new Non-Executive Directors, Dr. Kate Broughton, and Steve Jennings, in addition to Claire Skinner as a Special...

  • Announcement

    The top 5 podcasts of 2020

    We released 13 podcasts in 2020 covering all aspects of the energy market, from the Capacity Market and Electric Vehicles to Faster Switching and heat networks. Here are our top five podcasts of the year, ranked by the number of people who listened. 5. The Impact of COVID-19 on System...

  • Announcement

    Update | Demand for more charging infrastructure as EV ownership increases

    We recently received additional information on a press release issued at the beginning of December on Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) charge points. Below is an update to the data and graph. We would like to apologise for any issues this may have caused. Updated analysis by Cornwall Insight shows the...

  • Announcement

    15 years on…

    2020 marks 15 years since the inception of Cornwall Insight. Take a look at the infographic to see how the UK energy economy and Cornwall Insight have changed.

  • Announcement

    Cornwall Insight comments on the Energy White Paper

    Commenting on the government's release of the Energy White Paper, which sets out plans to decarbonise the UK's energy system, Gareth Miller, CEO of Cornwall Insight, said: “The Energy White Paper maps out the biggest change to the energy markets since the Electricity Act of 1989. Many of the headlines...

  • Announcement

    Cornwall Insight advises Still Waters Green Technology for its 30MW flagship battery storage project

    We are pleased to announce that we have advised Still Waters Green Technology (SWGT) to secure the £12m non-recourse Phase One Financial Close with Santander UK. The deal was announced in November and will see a 30MW utility-scale battery storage project built in Swindon. Our experts leveraged their comprehensive knowledge...

  • Announcement

    Cornwall Insight supports Zenobē Energy on a £150mn equity capital raise

    Cornwall Insight, an energy consultancy, research, and analytics company, is pleased to announce its role in providing support Zenobē Energy secure a £150mn equity capital raise from Infracapital. The deal was announced on 13 November 2020, and the funding will be used to support the growth of Zenobē Energy’s grid-scale...

  • Announcement

    15 years of Energy Spectrum and the Daily Bulletin

    We have just passed a notable landmark with the 15th anniversary of the launch of the Energy Spectrum Service. Things started with the first Daily Bulletin on 13 September 2005 – the main news on that day was E.ON UK applying for planning to build a CCGT at Drakelow. It...

  • Announcement

    Our online energy markets training service – learning and development is as important in these strange times as ever

    Despite all the change to working patterns over the last few months it is still the case that the energy sector continues to evolve and change to tackle the immediate challenges presented by COVID-19 and the equally pressing need to meet net zero targets by 2050. Having worked at Cornwall...