Energy Market Alerts provide latest updates in a complex market

Cornwall Insight Australia summarises all the essential facts in our Energy Market Alerts, designed to keep you up to date with all the latest developments in the market. The energy market is changing so fast that our Alerts will ensure you have the facts to hand when you need them. If you’re interested in receiving a sample Energy Market Alert for free, contact us here.

List of policy and regulatory alerts produced by Cornwall Insight Australia (2020-present)

2022 policy and regulatory Alerts produced by Cornwall Insight AustraliaDate
AEMC Transmission planning and investment (Contestability)​02 August 2022
AEMO 2022 Integrated System Plan​08 July 2022
ESB Transmission Access Reform (Consultation paper)​21 June 2022
Amendments to the Interim Reliability Reserve (Consultation paper )20 June 2022
Efficient reactive current access standards for inverter-based resources (Consultation paper)15 June 2022
Availability in MT PASA (Draft determination)14 June 2022
Energy Ministers (Communique)08 June 2022
AEMC REL0084 Frequency Operating Standard (Review paper)31 May 2022
Amendments to AEMO instruments for Efficient Management of System Strength Rule (Request for feedback)25 May 2022
AEMO NEM2025 Implementation Roadmap (Information paper)20 May 2022
EMO0042 Review into extending the regulatory frameworks to hydrogen and renewable gases13 May 2022
Central West Orana (CWO) REZ Access Standards (Draft paper)21 April 2022
Vic Gov Offshore wind (Policy direction paper)18 March 2022
AEMC ERC0338 Enhancing information on availability in MT PASA (Initiation)25 February 2022
ESB Capacity Mechanism (Project Initiation Paper)10 February 2022
NSW Gov Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Rights & Design scheme: Central West Orana (CWO) (design)31 January 2022
Infrastructure Investment Objectives (IIO Report)21 January 2022
AEMC ERC0280 Integrating storage into the NEM (Final Determination) 12 January 2022
AEMC ERC0300 Efficient management of system strength (Final Determination)04 January 2022
2021 policy and regulatory Alerts produced by Cornwall Insight AustraliaDate
ESB Transmission Access Reform (Initiation)24 December 2021
QLDgov QLD REZ development model (Technical paper)17 December 2021
AEMC ERC0256 Generator registrations and connections (Final determination)06 December 2021
Fed Gov Long Term Emission Reduction Plan24 November 2021
EMO0042 GRC0062 Review into extending regulatory frameworks to hydrogen and renewable gases17 November 2021
NSW Gov Electricity Infrastructure Safeguard Policy paper22 October 2021
AEMC ERC0263 PFR incentive arrangements (Draft determination)20 October 2021
AEMC ERC0306 ERC090 CCM and SSM (Directions paper)06 October 2021
AEMC EPR0087 & ERC0325 Transmission Planning and Investment Review (Consultation paper)28 September 2021
ERC0311 Access pricing and incentive arrangements for DER (Final determination)17 September 2021
ESB Post 2025 Market Design (Final determination)14 September 2021
NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap: Long Term Energy Service Agreements (Consultation)02 September 2021
AEMC ERC0280 Integrating storage into the NEM (Draft determination)25 August 2021
AEMC ERC0296 Fast Frequency Response (Final determination)28 July 2021
AEMC ERC0294 Connection to dedicated connection assets (Final determination)20 July 2021
AEMC ERC0256 (consolidated with ERC0318) Generator registrations and connections (Draft determination)07 July 2021
AEMC ERC0326 ERC0327 NEM Settlement under low, zero, and negative demand conditions (Determination)02 July 2021
ESB Post 2025 Market Design April 2021 (Options paper)03 June 2021
AEMC ERC0296 Fast Frequency Response (Draft determination)19 May 2021
AEMC ERC0300 Efficient management of system strength (Draft determination)14 May 2021
ERC0311 Access pricing and incentive arrangements for distributed energy resources05 May 2021
NSW Gov Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone Access Scheme (Issues paper)09 April 2021
AEMC RRC0036 Bill contents and billing requirements (Final determination)30 March 2021
VicGovt REZ Development Plan (Directions paper)29 March 2021
AEMC ERC0313 Semi-scheduled generator dispatch obligations (Final determination)15 March 2021
AEMC ERC0325 Material change in network infrastructure project cost (Rule change request)12 March 2021
AEMC ERC0326 & ERC0327 NEM settlement under low, zero, and negative demand conditions05 March 2021
AEMC ERC0295 ERC0307  Reserve services in the NEM (Directions paper)26 February 2021
AEMC ERC0263 Primary Frequency Response Incentive Arrangements (Directions paper)03 February 2021
AEMC ERC0296 Fast Frequency Response (Directions paper)02 February 2021
AEMC ERC0280 Integrating storage into the NEM (Options paper)29 January 2021
AEMC ERC0313 Semi-scheduled generator dispatch obligations (Draft determination)12 January 2021
2020 policy and regulatory Alerts produced by Cornwall Insight AustraliaDate
AEMC ERC0320 Participant derogation financeability of ISP projects (Initiation)11 December 2020
AEMC ERC0256 Generator registrations and connections (Initiation)10 December 2020
AEMC ERC0287 Compensation following directions for services other than energy and market ancillary services (Draft determination)01 December 2020
AEMC RRC0036 Bill contents and billing requirements (Draft determination)30 November 2020
AEMC GRC0058 DWGM maintenance planning (Initiation)18 November 2020
AEMC RPR0015 RoLR scheme Consultation paper (Review)17 November 2020
ERC0291 Removal of intervention hierarchy (Final determination)10 November 2020
ERC0289 Changes to intervention mechanisms (Final determination)09 November 2020
ERC0280 Integrating storage into the NEM (Initiation)06 November 2020
ERC0312 Simplification of NER definitions (Initiation)20 September 2020
EPR00682 Simplification of NER definitions (Initiation)20 September 2020
ERC0316 Reallocation of national transmission planner costs15 September 2020
ERC0309 DER integration, updating regulatory  arrangements (ERC0309, ERC0310, ERC0311)10 September 2020
ERC0306 Capacity commitment mechanism for system security and reliability services (Initiation)18 August 2020
ERC0307 Introduction to ramping services (Initiation)18 August 2020
ERC0296 Fast frequency response market ancillary service11 August 2020
ERC0290 Synchronous Services Markets (Initiation)11 August 2020
ERC0295 Operating Reserve Market (Initiation)11 August 2020
ERC0300 Efficient management system strength on the power system (Initiation)11 August 2020
ERC0291 Removal of intervention hierarchy (Draft determination)28 July 2020
ERC0284 Compensation for market participants affected by intervention events (Initiation)17 July 2020
ERC0287 Compensation following directions services other energy and ancillary services (Initiation)13 July 2020
ERC0289 Changes to intervention mechanisms (Draft determination)10 July 2020
ERC0298 Delayed implementation of five-minute and global settlement09 July 2020
ERC0247 Wholesale demand response mechanism (Final determination)19 June 2020
ERC0300 Efficient management of system strength (Rule change request)04 June 2020
ESB Two-Sided Market (Consultation paper)06 May 2020
ESB System services and Ahead Markets (Consultation paper)06 May 2020
ERC0296 Fast frequency response market ancillary service22 April 2020
ERC0278 System restart services (Final determination)17 April 2020
EPR0076 System strength framework review (Discussion paper)14 April 2020
ERC0295 Operating Reserve Market (Rule change request)01 April 2020
ERC0283 Victorian RERT derogation (Final determination)27 March 2020
ERC0274 Mandatory Primary Frequency Response (Final determination)27 March 2020
Legislation National Electricity (Victoria) Amendment Bill 202020 March 2020
ERC0247 Wholesale demand response mechanism (Draft determination)19 March 2020
ERC0251 Transmission loss factors (Final determination)11 March 2020
ERC0270 Improving transparency and extending duration of MT PASA (Final determination)25 February 2020
ERC0274 Mandatory Primary Frequency Response (Draft determination)07 January 2020

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