
Senior Modelling Consultant

Phone: +44 (0) 1603 542150

Tom is a Senior Modelling Consultant at Cornwall Insight, with nine years’ experience in the market. His role involves focusing on regulation, network charging, balancing services, the wholesale market and the Capacity Market.

Tom has been a member of the BSC panel since 2016, and is interested in making the electricity industry more transparent and increase the availability of data to encourage the transition to net zero. He has been a member of the workgroups developing project TERRE, balancing reform, Network Access reform and BSUoS reform.

Key projects and experience include:

  • strategy development for generators
  • transactional support for developers
  • a report on credit and collateral across the GB energy markets
  • wholesale market forecasts
  • capacity market forecasts
  • balancing services revenue forecasts

Tom has used agent based simulations, monte-carlo methods and business models to successfully deliver projects to customers. Tom has experience using C#, Unity, Plexos, Access, SQL, PowerBI and Excel.

Tom has appeared in national newspapers and national news programs discussing Capacity Market results, the 9 August 2019 blackout and nuclear power.

Latest thinking

Energy Market Design

Short-term energy market interventions

There is considerable concern about the availability and price of energy for this winter and those that follow.  Cornwall Insight has been contributing to the policy discourse through our widely-referenced domestic Default Tariff Cap analysis.  As prices continue to rise above what were considered unbelievable levels until recently, the signal from the market could not...

Energy Market Design

Can we fix the wholesale energy market this winter to lower prices and should we want to? 

The Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA) is intended to discuss and decide on appropriate market arrangements for 2035 in a Net Zero, low marginal cost, renewables-dominated market. It is unlikely it has the scope or capability to intervene in the market arrangements ahead of this winter. Therefore, some new interventions...

Low carbon generation

Battery Storage Boom set to continue

In our latest insight, GB Power Market Outlook to 2030, we estimate that in 2030, almost 10% of grid power comes from battery storage. Growth in the immediate future is set to be strong, in the T-4 2025-26 Capacity market auction, 2.5GW of new-build storage capacity was prequalified, of which...

Commercial and market outlook

Perspective | Is the design of the electricity market costing consumers money?

This article is from our Energy Spectrum publication which was published on 4 March 2022. It has become increasingly clear the existing market design is unfit for either a future net zero world or a period of fossil fuel price crisis, but what market design might be best for our...

Commercial and market outlook

COVID-19 virus and the GB energy sector webinar

This webinar explores our take on the emerging disruptions to the electricity and gas markets as COVID-19 tightens its grip on the UK. We highlight how the struggles of consumers in managing the virus has already caused unintended consequences for suppliers. Also, how these consequences could develop in the coming weeks...

Low carbon generation

Power demand in Lockdown – Initial COVID-19 impact on the power market

The power and gas systems are mirror images of the wider economy, entering practically every aspect of work and leisure. They naturally face challenges as a result of the effects of the COVID-19 virus on the way we work, travel and live. Electricity demand has reported to have fallen in...

Low carbon generation

Editor’s Pick | The green shoots of the Capacity Market auctions

A pivotal year for the Capacity Market (CM) draws to a close, with the first long-term auctions for capacity since 2018. But for once the CM is the least interesting thing happening in the market, and the scheme itself seems out of step with the net zero future. In this Energy...

Commercial and market outlook

Clarity on Capacity Market renewable ratings, but gap in government policy remains

On 7 January, National Grid ESO published its consultation on the new de-rating factor methodology to be used for renewables participating in the Capacity Market (CM). The document forms a key part of the five-year review of the CM, for which a government call for evidence was published in August 2018.   In previous...