
Head of relationship development


Robert’s role is to work with Cornwall Insight’s customers to ensure they get the most out of their relationship with the company. This includes working with them as a strategic partner and advisor, ensuring that Cornwall Insight and its customers work together for mutual benefit. Robert has nearly 30 years of experience in consulting and advising participants in deregulated energy markets. He started Cornwall Insight’s retail energy market work in 2004 including its market share and third party intermediary (TPI) surveys and has contributed regularly to Cornwall Insight courses and research, including the Energy Spectrum bulletin. From 1992 to 2003 Robert helped establish a leading TPI for medium and larger business consumers and before that graduated in economics at the University of Exeter.

Latest thinking

Business supply and services

The energy crisis affects businesses as well as households

Yesterday morning we issued our updated forecasts for the Default Tariff Cap through to the end of 2023. They make for grim reading: from 1 October 2022 the Cap will average £3,500/year equivalent or so for at least a year, unless there is a collapse in the wholesale energy markets....

Energy storage and flexibility

Oil prices are dropping, so why are bills still high? Video transcript Oil prices dropping… why are my bills still high? Last week, in particular, gas and power prices were very low. Gas for one day was 35p/th similar to what we were used to The drop is because Britain is now a major transit point for gas to...

Home supply and services

The risks of short-term interventions distorting long-term incentives in the energy market

Christmas 2021 was not a time of cheer for the energy industry and its customers. There is acute stress on energy suppliers and consumers from current bills - let alone where they may move to in the coming year. And it seems the political and regulatory debate has moved on...

Business supply and services

2021 top energy insights

View our 2021 top insights; the top podcast, insight paper, 'Chart of the week' and blog. Click the boxes below to read the full articles. You may need to log in or create a free Cornwall Insight to continue reading. Download

Business supply and services

Webinar | Energy supplier exits: managing the fall-out

In our webinar last week, Adam Boorman, Craig Lowrey, Robert Buckley and Jacob Briggs discussed a range of topics in light of recent market developments. They were joined by over 70 attendees join and discussed: the changing wholesale market engagement for smaller suppliersthe challenges of managing exiting companies,the commercial impacts...

Home supply and services

Will customers pay for suppliers reconsolidating?

There’s been a lot of media about Scottish Power chief executive Keith Anderson’s comment about a “massacre” in the retail energy market. The spectre of a return to a handful of domestic energy suppliers has been raised. We are certainly going to a world of many fewer suppliers, in my...

Business supply and services

Have we given up on competition in the retail market?

“Q: How does 2pm on Wednesday sound? A: Assuming we still have a functioning energy market that'd be great”.  It’s not really what you expect to see in an email at 5pm on a Friday when trying to arrange a call. But then these are certainly not normal times. In this Energy Perspective, we will...


Record high energy prices causing concern

Each week this summer, Sam Peek and colleagues in Cornwall Insight’s Assets and Infrastructure team have tracked the seemingly inexorable rise of wholesale price in the Energy Market Bulletin. The latest issue covers the all-time high spot power and gas prices with day-ahead prices up 10-fold (ten as they write...