
Lead Analyst

Phone: +44 (0) 1603 542138
Email: o.archer@cornwall-insight.com

Oliver is a Senior Analyst in the retail team, focusing on smart metering, the uses of energy data, and the future and decarbonisation of domestic energy supply. Oliver has developed our new Connected Homes Insight Service, and authored reports on smart metering, domestic tariffs, routes to market, and competitive dynamics. He also provides support and insight to major suppliers on competitor intelligence and commercial dynamics, and contributes knowledge of the retail markets to consultancy projects.

Oliver joined the team in 2017 having previously worked on climate change policy in the civil service and has a master’s degree in sustainable energy systems.

Specialist areas: Connected homes, domestic supply, EV & charging infrastructure

Latest thinking

Regulation and policy

Hanging in the balance – Ofgem’s latest proposals on protecting customer credit and RO payments

Ofgem has published a consultation setting out its latest proposal to deal with the risks – and costs – of supplier failure. This forms part of a broader piece of work on increasing the financial resilience of suppliers and curbing the costs passed on to all customers after a supplier...

Business supply and services

All mod cons: Routes to market for household flexibility

According to National Grid’s 2019 Future Energy Scenarios[1], meeting decarbonisation targets could require deployment in GB of 13GW of flexibility from commercial and industrial consumers by 2050, compared to around 1GW currently available. While there are currently no comparable forecasts for domestic demand-side response (DSR), energy suppliers and technology companies...

Home supply and services

The end of the beginning: Domestic market share

With switching rates relatively low (3% for electricity in Q318) and incumbent players still comfortably dominating the markets, you could be forgiven for thinking little is set to change in the Irish domestic supply markets. But we believe a closer look at the regulator’s latest market share figures, with an...

Home supply and services

Digitalisation increasingly key part of supplier strategies

Spark and EDF Energy were the latest to make big moves towards digitalisation last week, as an increasing number of suppliers look to capitalise on the potential cost savings and improved customer experience offered through the integration of “self service” platforms. Both suppliers now boast chatbots which can act as...