
Senior Consultant

Phone: +353 87 412 3119

Niall is a Senior Consultant with Cornwall Insight with over 10 years’ experience in the Irish Energy and Environment sectors. He has significant experience working with Large Energy Users in Ireland and Great Britain to decarbonise their onsite energy usage through Distributed Energy projects for example Solar and Battery Storage. Niall leads our CPPA consultancy support for Large Energy users in Ireland. This involves designing appropriate structures to meet the clients bespoke needs and risk profile. From this experience Niall has developed a deep understanding of the drivers and requirements across the stakeholders within a Large Energy User Organisation.

Latest thinking

Net zero corporates and ESG

Q2 2022 All-Island Power Market Outlook to 2030 overview

Our latest All-Island Power Market Outlook to 2030 report provides a taster of the insights from our Q2 All-Island Forward Curve report. Changes to the SEM, GB and European Markets over the last quarter have been incorporated into our models, including delays in commissioning and new capacity plans, to revise...

Low carbon generation


We have also released a report with Wind Energy Ireland which is free to download. View the report here

Energy storage and flexibility

All-Island Power Market Outlook to 2030

This report provides an annual overview of trends for the All-Island Power Market out to 2030 using outputs from Cornwall Insight’s latest forward curve for the All-Island (AI) Single Electricity Market (SEM) covering Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This publication is based on comprehensive market and asset-level power...