
Group Markets Partner

Phone: +44 (0)1603 542 157

Ken is Head of Operations at Cornwall Insight. He has worked in the utility sector for over 25 years in a variety of Executive, client-facing and project roles. He has been involved in a number of transformational projects including the development of the central market arrangements to support the introduction and operation of the competitive retail Water Market in Scotland, the Faster Switching Programme, introduction of metering competition, the Smart Metering Programme, the establishment of the Microgeneration Certification Scheme and Green Deal arrangements, and is a recognised expert in respect of Code Governance.

He now leads the Market Intelligence teams with responsibility for the timely delivery of a range of Market Intelligence reports and publications covering all aspects of the value chain, allowing customers to keep pace with a fast-moving complex and multi-faceted utility markets and understand the impact of a changing industry landscape as well as policy and regulation changes.

The Market intelligence teams also support research into new areas including electric vehicles, smart cities, heat and hydrogen, showcasing the knowledge accrued, developing and incubating new products and services, and delivering innovative thinking and insight for the benefit of our customers.