
Consulting Analyst

Phone: +44 (0) 1603 542171

Euan spent his year in industry at Cornwall in 2019/20 where he worked across most core teams, where the majority of his responsibilities sat in the Retail team.

After completing his BSc Environmental Sciences with a Year in Industry at the UEA, he has now joined the Consulting team.

In his year with Cornwall Insight, he worked on products specifically in domestic energy retail, electric vehicles and smart homes.

His dissertation project explored the potential of coupling solar PV and electric vehicles at the UEA’s main carpark.

In consultancy, Euan will be working on a range of projects providing research, analytical and report production support.

His focus will initially mainly be on wholesale and flexible markets.

Latest thinking

E-mobility and low carbon

Tesla builds capacity across the energy value chain

In May, Tesla released details of its Autobidder platform, which can aggregate and optimise assets down to the behind-the-meter domestic scale for wholesale trading and grid services. The platform has already been utilised at a site in South Australia and is now available for generators and suppliers in GB. Tesla...

Home supply and services

Making gains: Electricity switching

The Commission for the Regulation of Utilities published its January 2020 Customer Switching Report for the Electricity and Gas Retail Markets on 12 March. In this edition of the blog, we compare electricity supplier’s net switching positions. We also look at what new suppliers are making gains in retail market share. Click here...

Commercial and market outlook

April Fools’ Day 2020 | In today’s other developments…

Today, our Daily Bulletin featured some additional developments happening in the energy sector. As it's April 1st, we thought we would share these stories with you. However, if you are interested in our usual accurate news and insight on the energy sector, please see here for our Energy Spectrum and Daily Bulletin...

Regulation and policy

Getting RESStless: ECP-2 proposed decision

The process of applying for grid connections in Ireland has changed under the ECP process, allowing policymakers to prioritise certain projects. The first stage, ECP-1 occurred in 2018 and now the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) have published the Enduring Connection Policy Stage 2, or ECP-2 proposed decision. This week...

Low carbon generation

The day after tomorrow: Onshore wind capacity

The Irish transmission system operator, EirGrid, published its Tomorrow’s Energy Scenarios (TES) 2019 Report on 18 October. In this edition of the blog, we explore how an increase in installed onshore wind capacity will affect the Irish electricity grid based on three credible 2040 pathways set out by EirGrid. Click here to...

Home supply and services

Not mushroom for competitive prices: Switching behaviours in the SEM

The Commission for the Regulation of Utilities (CRU) published its August 2019 Customer Switching Report for the Electricity and Gas Retail Markets on 24 September. In this edition of the blog, we compare monthly switching trends with CRU’s quarterly Electricity and Gas Retail Markets Report to explore whether fluctuations in...