
Group Head of Training

Phone: +44 (0)1603 542129
Email: e.reed@cornwall-insight.com

Ed is a longstanding member of the Cornwall Insight team and now heads our market-leading capacity building and upskilling training service. Ed joined the company in 2008 and plays a key role in continually developing and improving our training service, which builds on his experience of working in other areas of the business including the consultancy team, content publications and the regulatory unit.

Ed has deep and wide knowledge and experience of energy retail markets, industry governance, network charging, market entry and low-carbon policy schemes. Ed is a member of the Organisational Leadership Team and delivers training for clients, either at our public courses, at customer offices or via webinars.  

Latest thinking


Energy market and net zero transition learning and development: Role-relevant career development training

We’re well over halfway through the calendar year and are now beginning to see more of the government’s thinking and policy-shaping around what needs to change to meet the 2050 net zero target. For example, the flurry of documents issued towards the end of 2020, including the Energy White Paper...


Energy Market Learning and Development: Role-relevant career development training

In these challenging times it is as important as ever that we continue to provide market-leading insight on commercial, regulatory and policy developments to our customers. Our learning and development service, a key pillar of how we distill market complexity, opportunities, and challenges for our customers, has continued to evolve...


Book online training courses and save money with an annual licence

Cornwall Insight’s training licence is designed to help you save money on your energy industry training.  The annual licence offers the opportunity for teams to book scheduled online training courses as they wish throughout the year, for a fixed cost. Our full-length courses, currently hosted online and spread across a...


Our new Market Insight webinars

Our new topical webinars are designed to keep you on top of the latest developments in the energy industry. The sessions are hosted by our market experts and provide valuable insight and analysis on current 'hot topics'. Additionally, each session will end with the opportunity for a Q&A with our experts. Our...

Low carbon generation

Renewables Obligation Mutualisation Looms again

The end of October marks the end of the annual Renewables Obligation (RO) compliance period, where electricity suppliers that have not already fulfilled their obligation must make payments into the ‘late payment fund’. As we saw last year the spate of supplier exits from the market created a shortfall in...

Home supply and services

Power to the People? The rise of municipal energy companies continues…

London has become the latest municipal authority to take a position in the energy market through the launch of the “London Power” white-label partnership with Octopus Energy. Our Energy for Londoners Feasibility Study, commissioned by the Greater London Authority (GLA) in 2017, advised on the pros and cons of establishing a fully-licensed...

E-mobility and low carbon

Road to zero emissions: A slow start, the pace must now quicken

A year and a day ago today the government’s Road to Zero strategy was issued, which was largely criticised for not going far enough to tackle surface transport emissions. Today’s Committee on Climate Change (CCC) publications concludes that the government must try harder, much harder, if net zero targets are to be met, with...

Regulation and policy

Market Wide Half-Hourly Settlement: Half-way home or just the first steps on the journey to a smart, flexible, energy system?

Ofgem’s electricity settlement reform programme—the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Significant Code Review (SCR)—is around the half-way point towards introducing arrangements that ensure the benefits of smart meters can be delivered to enable “a smart, flexible, energy system”. The ambition is for smart meter data to be used within the electricity settlements system to...