
Group Consulting Partner

Phone: +44 (0)1603 542102

Ben is a member of the Strategic Leader Team and is Group Consulting Partner, leading the strategic development and collaboration of Cornwall Insight’s consulting workstreams. Ben undertook a BSC in Business Management and a Masters degree in International Economics at the University of East Anglia where he is now on the Advisory Board for the School of Environmental Science.

At Cornwall Insight Ben has specialised in policy, regulation and market development in both wholesale and retail markets, with a particular focus on renewable energy. Areas of expertise include:

  • merger and acquisition due diligence (renewables, metering, conventional generation and retail, renewables support mechanisms (RO, FiT and CfD), wholesale and generation markets
  • routes to market (PPAs and intermediaries)
  • retail market entry and emerging markets (including storage and small-scale flexibility)

Ben is also co-chair of Cornwall’s monthly hosted Green Generators Group, which debates issues of importance to independent renewables generators. He is a lead trainer for his subject specialisms, including renewables, trading/ routes to market and generation.

Latest thinking

Low carbon generation

Cornwall Insight and the UK EfW market

As the UK has continued its evolution towards decarbonisation, one of the lesser talked about success stories has been in energy from waste (EfW).  EfW in the UK has grown to around 50 operational plants processing around 12mn tonnes of residual waste (but with capacity to potentially process nearly 14mn...


New: Benchmark Power Curve service launched

Cornwall Insight has recently launched its new Benchmark Power Curve (CI BPC) service to complement its already deep set of wholesale research subscription services. The CI BPC is a comprehensive market and asset-level power price modelling service that delivers long-term price forecasts, informed by industry-leading regulatory, market and policy expertise,...

Energy storage and flexibility

A pragmatic review of battery business cases

As we await the full results of the latest T-4 Capacity Market, which has delivered the lowest clearing price to date for this type of auction, we have been reflecting on the possible business cases for large-scale battery storage. I was speaking on this very topic at the Energy Storage...