
Managing Consultant

Phone: +44 (0) 7425 330231

Andrew leads Cornwall Insight’s GB consulting activity. He has a background in electricity networks having previously worked at Northern Powergrid and subsequently led Cornwall Insight’s work on network charging, most notably in relation to transmission network charges for generators.

Andrew’s work with Cornwall Insight has included leading on several projects assessing the impact of regulatory changes to transmission, distribution and balancing services charges for generators and demand portfolios; investigating the relative proportion of energy innovation funding spent on gas and electricity projects; and advising a distribution network operators (DNO) on how owners of flexible assets will be able to combine different sources of revenue, including from DNO flexibility contracts.

He has also led a number of projects developing business cases for behind-the-meter generation developments. He now oversees our GB consulting team working on policy, regulatory and commercial issues across the energy market.

Latest thinking

Energy storage and flexibility

Dialing up the unknowns on network charging

In a world of open governance code modifications, change is a constant. You only have to look at the number of code modifications ongoing at any one time – National Grid lists 36 modifications in development relating to transmission network charging alone – for evidence of that. But in recent...

Commercial and market outlook

2021’s most exciting ‘Charts of the week’

Some of our team have looked back throughout 2021 and picked their most exciting 'Chart of the week'. Read about their choices and click through to read the full 'Chart of the week'. To do so, you need a free Cornwall Insight account which is easy to create here. Green...


Our GB 2021 Consultancy highlights

We are independent advisors operating across the energy value chain. Our team of passionate energy experts has supported over 120 customers in 2021. This includes generators, developers, investors, network companies and public bodies.Here is a small selection of our work in 2021: Cornwall Insight’s consultancy team provides high-quality insight across...

Regulation and policy

Ofgem’s Network Access and Forward Looking Charges review – should I be interested

Spoiler – if you are a distribution connected generator, yes, In a big way Ofgem is currently progressing one of its biggest overhauls of network charging; with the Targeted Charging Review having only recently concluded that is quite a statement. We have already seen the value to distribution connected generators...

Energy storage and flexibility

Network innovation: coordinating Active Network Management schemes and Balancing Services

The volume of generation connected to the distribution networks is increasingly rapidly. Cornwall Insight is part of a consortium developing an innovation project focusing on specific conflicts which this can create in the market, with the aim of developing learnings which can be applied in a broader context. Over 30GW...

Energy storage and flexibility


This week National Grid Electricity System Operator (“the ESO”) released its latest forecast of Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) charges – levied on suppliers and large generators to recover costs incurred by the ESO in managing the system on a second by second basis. In this blog we look...

Commercial and market outlook

Editor’s Pick | The latest chapter in the ongoing network charging saga

This article was originally published in Energy Spectrum Issue 692 on 18 November 2019. With the publication of a decision on the Targeted Charging Review (TCR) Significant Code Review (SCR), Ofgem’s attempt to reshape electricity network charges to be fit for a world of decentralisation and electrification have entered their next phase....

Commercial and market outlook

Network Charging Reforms Factsheet: Targeted Charging Review

Ofgem recently published its decision on the Targeted Charging Review (TCR) Significant Code Review (SCR) and issued a direction to the network companies to progress code modifications to give effect to the conclusions. There are two main elements to the review: Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) charges for embedded...