
Principal Consultant

Phone: 01603 542105

Adam is a Principal Consultant at Cornwall Insight, with nine years experience in the market. Adam leads Cornwall Insight’s work in investments, due diligence and strategy projects. Through this work, Adam has been involved in leading buy and sell-side due diligence activities for parties including battery assets, flexibility providers, incumbent and challenger suppliers, renewable and fuelled generators, metering parties, and technology companies. This has included: asset optimisation, competitor benchmarking, policy and regulatory risk reviews, and the identification of market opportunities and the development and implementation of commercial strategies.

He has also led or supported across Cornwall’s strategy and market design projects. This has included supporting the ESO in its future market design work, considering code consolidation options, working with central bodies to review policy scheme implementation. In addition to this investment and strategy work, Adam also brings a specialism in regulatory functions and delivery to the team. This has included supporting parties in entering the market as generators, suppliers, and flexibility providers. Additionally, he advises major energy suppliers on compliance with their licence and obligations, and has supported parties in understanding how innovative products and strategies can be offered in the GB.

Finally, Adam is responsible for much of Cornwall Insight’s partnership activities, supporting relationships and project bids with parties including Big Four accounting firms, technical consultancies, specialist providers, and other market and strategy consultancies.