15 years on…

2020 marks 15 years since the inception of Cornwall Insight. Take a look at the infographic to see how the UK energy economy and Cornwall Insight have changed.

Related thinking

Commercial and market outlook

Ofgem outlines thinking on protecting credit balances and RO payments

This article is an extract from our Energy Spectrum publication issued on Monday 25 April. If you are interested in receiving critical policy, regulatory, market and transactional developments across the energy sector, and would like a free full sample of Energy Spectrum, please request a copy here. You only need...

Commercial and market outlook

2021’s most exciting ‘Charts of the week’

Some of our team have looked back throughout 2021 and picked their most exciting 'Chart of the week'. Read about their choices and click through to read the full 'Chart of the week'. To do so, you need a free Cornwall Insight account which is easy to create here. Green...


Cornwall Insight wins Employer of the Year and Business of the Year at the 2021 Norfolk Business Awards

Last night businesses from across Norfolk gathered together to hear the 2021 Norfolk Business Awards winners. Cornwall Insight was proud to be nominated for two categories, Employer of the Year and SME of the Year. Our team waited anxiously on the night to hear the results, and we are delighted...


FAQ for changes in our Energy Spectrum publications

Why is the Energy Spectrum changing? We have recently launched our new customer portal where you can see all of your subscription insight services in one place, easily access all the archived issues, as well as download all your publications and reports. To access these, you will need to set...

Home supply and services

Consolidation in the energy market predicted to continue

It has been a turbulent time for the retail energy market, experiencing a period of consolidation with mergers and supplier exits. This supplier consolidation is expected to continue in the near term. If suppliers fail to shift their business models for the new world it is likely to continue, according...

Home supply and services

“Green” tariffs in the spotlight as BEIS commences review

With the announcement on 16 August of a call for evidence on Designing a Framework for Transparency of Carbon Content in Energy Products, consultant Josephine Lord looks at the issues being considered and what the future may hold for so-called “green” tariffs. The call for evidence is the first step...


Daily Bulletin, I love you 4,000

We have just passed a notable landmark with our 4,000th issue of the Daily Bulletin being published today. Things started with the first Daily Bulletin on 13 September 2005 – the main news on that day was E.ON UK applying for planning to build a CCGT at Drakelow. It never progressed beyond planning, but the second story, negative reaction to tariff...


Energy market and net zero transition learning and development: Role-relevant career development training

We’re well over halfway through the calendar year and are now beginning to see more of the government’s thinking and policy-shaping around what needs to change to meet the 2050 net zero target. For example, the flurry of documents issued towards the end of 2020, including the Energy White Paper...